Monday, April 25, 2011

Transfer 9 Week 6

I know this probably gets old, but I cannot believe that this is the last week of transfer 2 in Reno. Almost 3 months has been spent here. I feel like it's been like 2 days. Crazy.

So a couple really cool things happened this week. First, Elizabeth has a baptismal date!! May 21st. She told us when we went to her lesson on Tuesday that she was ready, and we were like, "oh, well, in that case, how would you like to be baptized May 21st? It was bomb. She's so amazing and I'm thankful for her desire to be better. She also was floored at the amount of money we get as missionaries, so she wants to make us care packages. And did I mention she's a gormet chef? Don't worry parents, I'm asking her to teach me the ways. She made us stuffed chicken tuesday and it was the most amazing stuff. I have also added green beans and other foods that used to not be in my food vocab to my diet. Mommy, you'd be proud.

Saturday was awesome--we had a girl, Camilla, spend the day with us and do missionary stuff. It was brilliant. We got another less-active family to teach and a new investigator!! Hopefully his sons will show interest too--that'd be so cool to teach that family!! The man, Paul, really needs the gospel in his life. He's been stuggling hard core with some things and being a single dad and he needs the constant of the church. I'm excited for him. Camilla was great and really sweet with everyone--some of the people we visted were older and were tickled that someone as young and beautiful as her would come and listen to them and show love towards them. We also found out we'll be doing something similar to this next saturday--except with FOUR girls. We're excited though.

Easter was amazing, of course. We got a couple Easter baskets from the 8-11 year old girls and from the Chatterley's in Galena ward. We got to do a couple Easter egg hunts (not as violent as the ones we have back home though, haha). We had dinner and played an awesome game of sequence. It's so fun. I love that game. I was on the same team as Sister Brinkerhoff, a psychologist in Galena ward. Her daughter knows I want to now go into psychology and jazz and so we were "team psycho." Needless to say we won both rounds :o). We then met with new investigator #2, Jacqui. Holy holy she's amazing and the gospel is PERFECT for her (but then again, it's perfect for everyone). She said she feels lonely and misses the sense of family. She's a single mom and also said that she wants good values for her daughter and good friends, and a good, safe church environment. She's very honest and brilliant, looks 26 but really she's 40 (does NOT look 40 AT ALL) So amazing. AH I'm just beside myself. We have been so blessed as of late in the missionary work here and I'm just so humbled by the love Heavenly Father shows all His children. How fortunate am I to be a part of this great work and help others come to the light Jesus Christ offers for us? WE ARE SO LUCKY!!!!!!!

Transfers are coming up this weekend--April 30. It could go any way, but I really hope I get to stay just one more. I'd be satisfied with that. It freaks me out that I only have 4 transfers left. Time flies too fast. I wake up in the morning, wondering how I got to where I am. I've grown so much, but at the same time I feel like it hasn't been anything. I am excited for the continued growth I will get to experience.

I love my life. Really, honestly I do. I'm doing the best thing for me right now, and the best thing for others. I love this opportunity to "forget [myself] and get to work." I look forward to being a part of this work for the rest of my life.

I love you all so much and I'm so grateful for EVERYTHING, even if we did find out we may have to push Calvin's baptism back 'til June. But that's okay--we're on the Lord's time, not our own.

love love love,
Sister Mack

just a coupla pictures

me with a baby duck someone found

a terrible picture of sis dixon, elizabeth (bap date o5.21.2o11), and myself. She made that beautiful cake.

I call this "the lone cow"


Monday, April 18, 2011

Transfer 9 Week 5

wow, we are already in week 5 of transfer 2 in Reno. I can't even begin to tell you how fast time flies. We've been here for almost 3 months!! I was talking about something that happened in Gardnerville and I was like, "oh, it was probably a month ago..." before I realized that I've been here for 2+ months and the funny incident I was referring to happened back in like November. Where has time gone?

So anyway, the purpose of this whole entry is going to be for me to show gratitude for everything Heavenly Father has blessed me with. I have been studying hard core some amazing General Conference talks from last years' conferences and have received a lot of insight that I want to include for y'all.

First, I want to talk about facing adversity. I felt prompted to read this talk and it made me pause and reflect on times in my mission when I've had to face adversity and how I faced it. In studying "All Things Work Together for Good" by Elder James B Martino of the Seventy I learned a LOT about how I could better face adversity. Every single one of us will face trials, big or small, not knowing how long we must endure them, and it is simply how we react to the said difficulties that will determine our success and happiness. It's all up to us and our mindset. The real challenge is gaining an eternal perspective--seeing beyond the the trial that is here and now. God knows the end from the beginning. Trust Him.

The next thing I learned was from President Henry B. Eyring's talk "Act in All Diligence." Holy holy was I humbled by this talk. I applied it all to my service and call as a missionary and was very touched by the trust my Father in Heaven has in me. The magnitude of trust that He has placed in me is astounding and almost frightening. He could have chosen any girl to serve in this area, to teach these certain people, but He chose and trusts me. Something that he said that really stuck out to me was, "This is the Lord's church. He called us and trusted us even in the weaknesses He knew we had. He knew the trials we would face. By faithful service and through His Atonement, we can come to want what He wants and be what we must be to bless those we serve for Him. As we serve Him long enough and with diligence, we will be changed. We can become ever more like Him."

I am so humbled by this opportunity to serve my Savior. I honestly cannot believe that He chose me. He stuck with me. There are times I sit and reflect on how much my mission has blessed my life and I feel so unworthy of it. I feel that I have done nothing to warrent it. I have witnessed miracles, have helped people come unto Christ, have felt myself come to Christ. How amazing it is for me to have the gospel in my life. I took it forgranted, I truly did. And now I see the necessity of it not only in my life, but in the lives of others. I see how through it questions are answered, lives are patched together, and true joy is felt.

Either what I was sent here to teach is true, or it's not. This church is the only completely true church on earth, or it's not. The Book of Mormon is true, or it's not. But we as humans cannot determine these facts on our own. It is only through sincere prayer that we can know for ourselves. It is only through asking Heavenly Father. There is no other way to obtain the information except through study of the Book of Mormon and sincere prayer. No other way. So what do you have to lose by kneeling in fervent prayer and asking?

I know this church is true with every fiber of my soul. I know my name is Jenn, but I know the church is true even more than I know my own name. It's a crazy feeling, but I have it. We all can have that conviction. I'm so thankful for the ever present guidance the Lord gives me in my life. I truly am unworthy of His love, but He sees past my sins and weaknesses and loves me anyway.

I love you all so much. My heart is literally full as I write this email. I'm sure some of my Kennesaw friends are reading this and think I've changed. Yes, I've changed in the sense where I know who I am and what my purpose is here in this life, and it's beyond the stage and lights for me. It's me discovering ways that I can help others. But I'm still me. I'm still the awkwardly funny girl who laughs louder than anyone in the room, would eat Taco Mac queso all day every day, and loves hugs, Twilight, and Harry Potter. I'm still me, but there's a deeper sense of self that is anchored in my soul. And before I didn't have that.

Now that I'm pretty sure this is really long, I'm going to end it. I love you all more than you could even imagine, and pray that all y'all may find truth in your lives--if you allow it to find you.

love love love,
Sister Mack

(ps, the pictures: numero uno is from Elizabeth and Mike Liddiard's home. Those were once living lions. CRAZY!! Picture number two is from this morning at 6:40 of the sky outside our house.)

Transfer 9 Week 4

Holy crow, y'all. What an amazing week. I hope I can remember everything.

Last Monday we taught Calvin the Word of Wisdom. It was cool--we did an object lesson that involved a blind fold, a hulk ice pack, and a gun that shoots little plastic balls. It was awesome. Calvin is progressing so great and I'm so thankful for him!! His baptism date was, however, pushed back to May. Some of our hurdles couldn't be jumped by Easter, but baptism is well worth whatever wait. Tuesday was cool, we had district meeting and then went out to a Chinese buffet as a zone. 2 of the Elders serving in the Tongan ward and an Elder who is Japanese all decided to eat an octopus. of course I did it too. I was missionary number 5 out of 13 to eat it. Our whole zone ate one, minus one Elder who is a bit of a stiff, but it was hilaroius. My comp was the 2nd to last because she was determined not to eat it, but then she did and made the other zone leader look like a wuss, so he ate it too--after it was in his mouth 2 other times. Gross. It was awesome, though. Zone unity 100%!!

Wednesday we got a text message referral for a Book of Mormon request. It was via, and since we had time, we went immediately after getting the request. We drove up there and this lady answered the door, saying that it was probably her husband who had requested it. I asked if we could come back and share a message about the Book of Mormon and she agreed, so we set up a plan to see her Friday evening.

Oh, ps. It snowed this week. What the heck?!

Anyway, so we're going to fast forward to Friday. We went on exchanges, meaning Sister Dixon went to Fallon and Sister Warnock came to Reno with me. We had a lot of plans. One of our lessons didn't show up, but that was okay because we just got to every thing else a little early. We did service ,ate some good food, blah blah blah, fast forward to about 6:30. We had to then go on splits because we had two appointments for Friday at 7:00--one with the referral and one with a Less-active family. Sister Warnock went with the Dalen family to the LA family and I went with the Dyers to the referral. And holy holy holy holy. We found out like on Thursday that he was a member who was a "do not contact" for a while, so we were a little nervous to say in the LEAST when we got up to his house (which is a mansion, also intimidating). We go in and took a tour of all his trophies (stuffed lions, leopards, bears, zebras, etc etc etc from EVERYWHERE. Literally--China, Russia, Africa, Canada, Alaska...). It was like a museum. Then we proceded to have an AMAZING discussion--and Elizabeth, the wife, isn't a member. Mike, the husband, wants to be sealed in the temple. They both want the lessons so bad, and we talked about the Book of Mormon, invited them to church, and set up a follow up appointment.

FAST FORWARD TO SUNDAY aka the BEST DAY EVER!!!! So not only did Mike (age 72) and Elizabeth (age 68) show up at church on Sunday looking FABULOUS in their Sunday best, but Calvin was there AND was fasting (because it was fast and testimony meeting). I joked with Calvin about him sharing his testimony (because I'm my father's daughter) and he laughed and was like, "yeah, maybe when it gets stronger." Testimony meeting was amazing--people bearing testimony of the Book of Mormon, Joseph Smith, God being our loving Heavenly Father--aka a missionary's DREAM!!!! And with 5 minutes left Calvin leaned over to me and asked me if he was allowed to go up there. I smiled and said yes and told him just to remember to close "in the name of Jesus Christ, amen." As soon as the lady that was up there said "amen" Calvin was out of his seat and up to the stand, bearing his testimony about the church. I COULDN'T STOP THE TEARS FROM COMING OR THE SMILE ON MY FACE!!!! The day ended amazing, and everything was amazing.

Now I have no time to explain other amazing and precious miracles that I witnessed, but I am so in love with this work. I wish it could never end. And thank goodness, it doesn't.

I love you guys so much!!!

love, love love
Sister Mack

ps--the pictures are from us hiking this morning with Sister Elsmore and her amazing daughter, Riley, who has downsyndrome. It was fun because Riley got tired and so I carried her on my back. It was a lot of fun.

Y'all should look her up on youtube--type in Riley Elsmore talent show and watch her dance. She does her own choreography and everything. AMAZING!!!

Transfer 9 Week 3

Conference rocks.

I could send just that sentence and be completely satisfied, but I know Mom and Dad wouldn't appreciate that. So I'll expound on how great this week was.

We had some great lessons with Calvin and Shawn. Calvin's baptismal date is set for Easter Weekend. We sincerely hope everything will come together, and we've been praying for it like crazy, and we know it'd just be an amazing weekend for it to happen for him. Easter is such a huge thing, signifying our Savior's triumph over death, leaving behind a forever empty tomb. Calvin would be leaving behind his past transgressions, bad habits, and doubts about the gospel and be born a new. It'd be so amazing, so we're praying for it. Shawn's baptismal date got pushed back so his friends could come, but still scheduled to happen at the end of this month. He really has changed--we can see it in his countenance. He has kicked a lot of habits (drinking, smoking, coffee) and tells us he feels better, different than he has ever felt before. The Atonement heals all.

General Conference was amazing. I'm so thankful for the words that were said. We went to the Stake center for both of the Saturday sessions, then to members' homes for the Sunday sessions. Sunday morning we showed up at the Chatterly's home at 8:00 and helped them make breakfast. I was put in charge of the bacon. I was armed with a protective oven mit and a foot-long BBQ prong looking thing so I wouldn't be injured by the grease. I should've been wearing a haz-mat suit though because somehow the bacon grease leaped all the way from the pan and onto my face. It was a tragedy. But I survived. They then woke up Calvin and Tanner (who went to prom the night before) and they came downstairs to me singing and playing "Jesus wants me for a Sunbeam" on the uke I borrowed from some members. After conference we enjoyed a brief game of soccer in the backyard before we had to bust it an go to the Guthries for the second session. We helped make cream puffs and drank capri sun as we listened to conference. It was truly an amazing weekend and I got so many insights for myself and investigators. I love conference. Weird to think that the next one will be happening a couple weeks before I'm home.

My year mark came and went. I treated my companion to ice cream to celebrate. Megan Chatterly gave me a headband for my year mark and I got my new bag from Mom the day before. It is awesome and I feel like a new missionary with it!!

We also walked ~12 miles this week due to lack of a car. I got a little burned, but it has since faded to a sweet little tan.

I love you all so much and am looking forward to another amazing week in the service of our God!!!! Missions are the best.

Love the world, feed a missionary.

love love love,
Sister Mack

Transfer 9 Week 2

Que pasa my wonderful family?

The beautiful city of Reno is winning my heart. I love the members here. I love the people I'm serving. Everyone is nice and smiles and is just delightful. I am so excited that I was able to survive the first 3 crazy weeks and now I have a solid foundation in the wards here. We are so blessed!!!

So first things first, we had a BOMB lesson with Calvin last Monday. He was shaky about his desire to be baptised and didn't know if Joseph Smith was a prophet of God. So we went over there (Sister Dixon, Sister Knighton and I--we had a temporary 3some), and watched Joseph Smith: Prophet of the Restoration. The spirit was strong as the movie came to an end, probably 6 of the 8 people there with wet eyes. Bro and Sister Chatterly bore amazing testimonies of Joseph Smith as Calvin listened aptly. Then Tanner, their 16 year-old son, bore an amazing testimony that touched my heart, followed by another amazing testimony from Conner, a 17-year-old friend of Calvin and Tanner's. Meanwhile I was praying as hard as I could to have my companion or I know what to say. The Lord blessed me--I knew I was supposed to push Calvin (as I always seem to do), and have him kneel in prayer with all of us, asking if Joseph Smith was a prophet and if what we've taught him is true about the gospel. He took on my challenge and we all knelt together, Calvin offering a humble and simple prayer, thanking Heavenly Father for so many things. Then it came down to him asking is Joseph Smith was a prophet--and Calvin got choked up. He asked if what we've taught is true. I love the way he asked too--he said, "Heavenly Father, if you could please show me somehow that what the Sisters have taught me is true, and if Joseph Smith is a prophet..." and he could hardly get out what he wanted to. He closed his prayer and apologised for crying. We were all in tears--and Sister Chatterly had to leave the room because she was going to lose it. One of the most spiritual experiences of my life. Calvin couldn't stop crying or shaking after that prayer, and we told him it was the Spirit. He now knows that Joseph Smith is a prophet, and what we've taught him is true. How amazing it is to know that the Lord hears and answers prayers!!!

We also had the opportunity to teach several other lessons this week with great people that the Lord is blessing us with. We have referrals and potential to get 3-5 new investigators within the next week or so. I am so thrilled!!! I love Reno. We also got to go to the General Young Women's broadcast on this past Saturday. The choir sang a beautiful rendition of "I know that my Redeemer Lives." I love that song because of the simple truth it proclaims--our Savior lives. He lives and He loves us and He wants us to be happy. He wants us to come unto Him, to follow His path, to pray, to study scriptures, to humble ourselves before Him so He can guide us. I love Him. So much.

OH!!! I updated my profile page, too!! check it out, it's better this time around.

I finally finished the book of Alma in the Book of Mormon recently. In companionship study this morning I came across a scripture in preparation for one of our lessons this evening. It's Alma 37 :46 and the end says, "...The way is prepared, and if we will look we may live forever." In the next verse it says, "...see that ye look to God and live." Jesus Christ is the way, the life, and the truth. If we look to Him, do as He did, be baptised as He was, serve and love as He did, we may live as He does--forever with our Father in Heaven.

I love you guys and my mission so much. Have faith, endure, and look unto Christ in every thought; Doubt not, Fear not (Doctrine and Covenants...I forget where. oops).

Love love love,
Sister Mack


Transfer 9 Week 1

Folks, looks like I'll be in Reno, NV for another 6 weeks. Good thing too because this past week we set TWO different people with BAPTISMAL DATES!!!!! One of them is a little shaky--he told us on Sunday he wants to push it back because he's having doubts, but I know this is his time. He's just scared and allowing his doubts to occupy his mind more than he's allowing the things we've taught him to occupy his mind. I don't know how to say it, but I heard it in a talk that we have to give the church equal time. If we don't study and don't pray and don't read, of course we're going to doubt. We're not doing anything to get rid of the doubt!! So he said he's going to really start reading and praying. He's only 17, but he's ready. As for the other one, we have to overcome one thing: his alcoholism. He's struggling, but he's so great. Man I'm so excited about this next transfer!!!!

What I'm NOT excited about is the snow. I know, I know--PARTY POOPER!!! But that's okay. I really like the concept of snow--it's pretty and white and pure...but it's also wet, cold, and hard to walk in. It started snowing yesterday, melted, and then snowed last night, is 1/2 way melted, but is supposed to keep snowing Tuesday-Saturday....oopsies. But I'm driving well in it now, no biggie. I am also a professional mountain driver. Sweet, right? There's this geiger pass we have to drive up in order to get to of our areas (Virginia Highlands). The first time I went up it took me 20 minutes to go up and 20 to come down. Last week I went up in 8 and down in 7. I'm not speeding--I'm just more comfortable with the turns and stuff and actually going to suggested speed limit of 45 MPH. I think everyone would be quite impressed with my driving skills.

HOLY HOLY so it was so cool--Saturday night I was prompted to fast (giving up of food for 2 meals for spiritual strength) for Calvin, our investigator who is having doubts about his baptism date. First of all, I had NO CLUE he was having doubts until Sunday. Second of all, 2 of his friends ALSO decided to fast on his behalf. So when we met Sunday evening BAM I was prompted to tell him, and then his friend who was there told him that HE fasted for him too. MAN it's just so incredible how much the Lord guides us and will trust us with his promptings as long as we act on them. That's a hugely important part. Acting on promptings we receive. Faith is an action. We always need to act. Always need to be moving. Idleness is wickedness and leads us astray, while righteous actions show us the way. Sweet, I'm a poet.

We went on exchanges again with G-ville. And Sister Leilua and I went to iHop for breakfast. And guess what? A random couple paid for our meal!!!! Sis Leilua was going to treat me to breakfast for a late b-day present, but someone else beat her to it!!! So cool how that randomly happens to us/for us. And that couple will be blessed for that. So kind of them. I love the kindness of strangers.

And I'm now giong through my mid-mission crisis. As of tomorrow, 10 of the 11 Sisters I've served my mission with will be gone. And they've been leaving steadily since December. And then the only one that's still here leaves May 2nd. Then I'll be the oldest Sister in the Mission. That is so crazy to me. Time is moving by too quickly. I wake up in the morning and feel like I've been here 3 weeks and realize that in 10 days I'll have been out for an entire year. What the heck??? I never suspected it would go by this quickly. I now only have 4 transfers after this one, but I know they'll all fly by so quick. That's so weird to me.

I am so thankful for this opportunity to serve. It has been the greatest blessing in my life so far. I'm thankful for the love Heavenly Father has for me and His children. I'm thankful for the divine potential I have as a Daughter of God. I'm thankful for the gospel, for the comfort and guidance it gives to me and the people I'm teaching. I'm thankful to witness changes in people's lives and to see them fome before Christ with a "broken heart and contrite spirit," truly humble and ready to make the commitment to be baptized by one holding the Priesthood authority of God, thereby allowing them the most precious gift we can have here on the earth--the constant compaionship of the Holy Ghost.

I love you all so much. Keep being good and being an example to those around you--you never know who is watching.

love love love,
Sister Mack

Transfer 8 Week 6

Wooah crazies, week 6 up here in Reno!!! Time flies. I can't believe this. Soon enough I'll hit my year mark and BAM before I know it I'll be home. What is up with that??????

A few super cool things that happened this week: I SAW WILD HORSES!!!! On our way up to Viginia Highlands (which is right outside Virginia City), we got a little lost (oopsies) and passed by some WILD HORSES in some folks' front yard!! Could you imagine waking up in the morning with a herd of wild horses? AND there was a baby one, too. It was so precious. Of course I took a video of it using my best Steve Irwin voice.

AND THE LORD IS AMAZING!!!! We were blessed with 2 new investigators this week!!!! Shawn and Marty. We're super excited about them--Shawn is totally solid and ready for baptism and Marty will come along as his wife (who is less-active) comes along. It's so incredible. We are so blessed in this area. I was also blessed with an influx of birthday cards this week!!! Thank you to all those who made my only birthday in the mission field special. It was really nice to hear from a bunch of folks.

We went to the regent care center to meet with Sarah again--this time I decided to buy her fake flowers to add some color to her room, and my companion bought her a picture of Christ. Once again upon our arrival she was sleeping, so we left a note and went in search of our new friend, Brother Wade. He is SO AWESOME!!!!! I asked him if he'd like a book of Mormon and he was so humble and was like, "could I please?" He also told us that when he gets out of there (in 2-3 weeks) he wants to come to church with us!! Through service and kind words EVERYONE can be reached. Whether they are ready or not is another story. But Brother Wade is so awesome. He said that it was great to see us and that he could truly tell that we loved Christ because he saw a glow in our faces. People talk about this "glow" we have as missionaries, and it's been mentioned to me a couple of times, but mostly by members. Wade mentioned it, and the spirit was truly in the room as we talked about Christ and the Book of Mormon. We're going back--but this time I'm borrowing a member's ukulele and we're going to sing for folks. There are just some people there that are so lonely. Anything that we can do helps. I'm thankful for this opportunity.

I am so thankful for the scriptures. As April 1st draws closer, I turn through the pages in the Book of Mormon faster. It is incredible to "speed-read" through it and see how much Christ is involved. I love my Savior so much and I'm thankful for the guidance and direction he gives us through the Book of Mormon. It is, legit, an instruction manuel to life. I wish I had recognized that sooner, but that's okay. Better late than never.

I love you all so much and I'm thankful for the impact each of you has made on my life. I am such a better person now than I was before. I am thankful for the healing powers of Christ's Atonement. I am thankful for His love and gentle guidance. I am thankful for His love for ALL mankind, and for the love that He has blessed me with to teach people. It keeps me going every day--even when the day seems bleak. There is always a dawn to every night. Light will always win. And that light is our Savior, Jesus Christ.

love love love,
Sister Mack

Transfer 8 Week 5

Holy cow, time FLIES!!!! I'm so thankful for everything that has been going on AHH's crazy. This email is going to be pretty scatter-brained, but that's how I work because I have 5 minutes to write this!!!

--Sister Sonny Pritchard needs to know that an English couple she trained on her mission in SLC lives in my Galena ward and they told me to tell her hello!!! The lady looks indian and was born in Kenya.
--I love the set-a-date program that my ward is doing. It's so amazing. Last week we were doing it and I testifired that I'm a servant of the Lord, speaking on His behalf and asking them to act on their faith in Him. I was overwhelmed suddenly with how fortunate I am to be able to say that, to be able to act on His behalf, to say and do what He Himself would say and do if He were here. I teared up a little bit and moved on, but I was touched by how incredible that felt.
--We got to meet the most incredible lady in the world--Sarah Foster. She's been in a Regent Care Center recovering from many surgeries since November. We met with her, I learned how to read lips REAL quick (she can't talk) and we just held her hand and chatted. We got to go back on my birthday and we sang Sister Kim's version of "Called to Serve" and it was hard not to cry (dang...I do that a lot) because really truly, I am called to serve Him, chosen to witness on behalf of His name. To everyone. The sick, afflicted, lonely--everyone. We got to sing to someone else across the hall from her--Dale--because he asked us to. Amazing missionary opportunities, just helping people realize someone loves them.
--On Tuesday I believe we went and ate with the Fisks. She's a single mom of 5, and struggles, and her son asked me to go outside and play basketball with him. So I did, in a skirt, and beat him (oops). He then asked me to have a spit contest with him. Though my mother would be appauled, I happily did so and beat him. He asked me how I learned to spit so well--I told him my daddy taught me :o) hahahaha so awesome.
--My birthday was amazing. I woke up to cake, streamers, and silly-string (in my mouth) from Sisters Dixon, Kim, and Knighton. They got permission to spend the night to visit Sarah with us.
--Last Sunday on the way to church I killed a pigeon. It was suicidal, clearly, but now I'm not only the Santa Slayer, but a Bird Killer. Ooopsies.
--SPLITS we did splits and I went back to Gardnerville with Sister Leilua. It was so amazing.

Wow, this email is brief, but thanks to EVYERONE for the birthday wishes and love. I love you guys so much and miss you!!!

love love love,
Ssiter Mack

Transfer 8 Week 4

I'm dreaming of a white birthday.....

Okay, not really, the snow will probably all be melted by that royal day in which I turn 23 (Saturday). 23..really? Aren't I supposed to be married with 8 kids by now? Haha, naw, I love where I am and what I'm doing more than anything else in the entire world. Legit(ament--just for you Jess).

This week was amazing. I think I told y'all about Calvin's lesson we had last monday--we have another one with him tonight. We had a good week of service and contacting some less-active folks, contacting referrals, and getting TWO new investigators. I tell you what the Lord definitely knows what he's doing. The MOMENT I get discouraged BAM a miracle happens and I have to get after myself for my lack of faith in the Lord and His timing. He is so incredible!!

So our new investigators--Lisa and Erin. Erin is super legit--already wants to be baptized. Her mother, on the other hand, is kinda skeptical, but we've only taught them part of the first lesson. She found it really interesting how we view our relationship with God--that He is, indeed, our loving Heavenly Father. She noted how we pray different from her--she likes how we refer to him as our Heavenly Father. She was really cool, and Erin is just as gold as the sun. She was smiling and super excited about everything, but doesn't think her parents will allow her to be baptized until she's 18. That's why we definitely have to win over her darling mother. I have faith it will happen. Her mom did, however, pay me an amazing compliment. I told her I was nervous to come out on a mission at first because I didn't know hardly anything and I thought Heavenly Father was a tad crazy to pick ME of all people to serve a mission because I didn't know how I'd be able to teach anyone anything. And she looked at me, surprised, and said, "oh no, you're good. You're really good at teaching. And I love your enthusiam about this, it's wonderful." And I was shocked. Was she really talking to me? Because I know I've grown and improved, but being really good? I know it's not me--what she doesn't know is that it's the spirit that I'm blessed with as a missionary, a servant of the Lord. The enthusiasm? I just want EVERYONE in the whole world to know what incredible blessings and guidance can come from living your life righteously and following Christ. SO MUCH good comes from it--how could I not be enthusiastic??

I was reading in Alma (19:31-32) this morning and read something super cool. Well, I've read it before, I've just never applied it in the way the Spirit taught me. It talked about how Ammon and King Lamoni and his wife and folks were trying to teach the multitude of people that had gathered around about God and the mighty change that had come over Lamoni. It says that some heard their words and were converted while others "didn't hear." Yet they were in the same proximity. So what I realized is that some will listen with their spiritual ears and others won't. They don't know how. There are some who are ready for the gospel of Jesus Christ that I'm teaching, and some that are not. Those who are not ready will walk away. But I know that a time will come in their lives where they will want to hear what I had taught them initially. It will come.

This church rocks. Like, literally. I have never felt closer to my Savior or my Heavenly Father in all my life. And, if you could even imagine, my love for my darling family has grown so much. I love my parents so much it shocks me. I get letters from Mom and I'm just tickled to death as I read what she has to say. Emails from Dad are always a high light. And though rare, emails/letters from my brothers are prized. I love you guys more than anything and I'm thankful for the promise that we have that if we all live worthily of it, we can be a forever family. What awesome people to be with for an eternity!!!

I love you all so much. I know I say that every time, but I really mean it. You are the best ever. Keep being awesome and working hard, and I'll email y'all next week...when I'm 23. Weird.

love love love,
Sister Mack

Transfer 8 Week 3

Holy Holy, Holy Moly. Can I just inform y'all AGAIN of how much I love this work? I mean FOR REALZ!!!! So incredible. The Lord, in His wisdom and mercy, has been teaching me like WOAH recently--teaching me to become more humble and rely on Him more. He's trying to get it through my thick skull that this is HIS work, not mine--no matter what I think. I'm realizing that knowing that is a daily struggle for me. Legit. I don't know why it's so hard for me to grasp sometimes, but really it is!!

Okay, so amazing insights this week: Hymn #221 (Dear to the heart of the shepherd) was pretty much written for me out here in this mission. Legit. "Out in the desert they wander, hungry and helpless and cold. Off to the rescue he (Christ) (or we--missionaries) hastens, bringing them back to the fold..." "make us thy true undershepherd, give us a love that is deep. Send us out into the desert, seeking thy wandering sheep." I absolutely LOVE that. It speaks to sclearly to me. He sent ME to the desert (quite literally) to find his wandering sheep. Because He loves EACH OF US so dad gum much. I cannot get over that. NEXT amazing insight: Matthew 8:7 "And Jesus saith unto him, I will come and heal him." Short, simple verse, but there is so much to gain from it. Christ was asked by this man to come and heal his servant who had palsy, and Christ immediately said that he would come and heal. He is SO willing to come and heal us immediately--we just have to ask and have faith. He has come and WILL come. I know that. John 9:5 "As longas I am in the world, I am the light of the world." If we allow Christ to be in our world, he will be our guiding light. We just have to make him the center. you might could tell, I have been studying the New Testament along with the Book of Mormon recently. I am so amazed at how the Bible and Book of Mormon compliment eachother. EVERY TEACHING the Bible has, the Book of Mormon does too. It just solidifies my testimony of the truthfulness of everything I teach with the help of the Savior.

And last night. Holy moly. I had the most spiritual lesson I've had in a while. We were teaching Calvin, a new investigator that we have now that the Chatterly family referred to us. We were in the Chatterly home teaching, and the lesson was going great. Everything flowed perfectly. The Chatterlys all bore witness and shared experiences that supported everything we were teaching. Holy cow it was seriously the most amazing experience. I felt prompted to share my own personal experience of gaining a testimony all over again on my mission and right before and then BAM I was no longer speaking--it was 100% the spirit. I don't remember a single word I said--all I remember is looking around the room as I was talking, seeing everyone crying (including myself), and thinking, "woah, we're all crying and the spirit is awesome right now. This is so cool!" I heard some smart things come out of my mouth that I had no clue about. And I was only able to do that because of my obedience that I've been hammering down on. Exactness is the key, sacrifice is the price. I was willing to sacrifice little things like getting 50 minutes of personal study instead of the full hour. Little things. Little adjustments. I made sure I was ready to be able to have the spirit with me. And it was so amazing. I will never forget that experience last night.

I love this work more than anything I've done in my life--and that's saying something. I love theatre and performing so much--so much so that I was willing to sacrifice ANYTHING for it. But I've learned that there is more to life than applause and the stage and the lights--there are people. There is Christ. There is family. There is love. Love is really what it's all about. God loves us.

I love you guys so much. Thanks for your encouragement and love. Keep being awesome.

Love love love,
Sister Mack.

Transfer 8 Week 2

I'm alive. And that's saying something. Man, I don't even know where to begin!! First things first I suppose, Sister Dixon is amazing. Honest to goodness the Lord couldn't have put me with a better companion in this area at this time. She's about 5'2, blonde, and from the Yutica stake in central New York. She has 4 siblings, 3 brothers and 1 sister, is the second oldest, and like me, is the first missionary out of her siblings. Holla!! She's super sweet. And she laughs at my jokes, which is an added PLUS. We live in this cute little apartment thing in the backyard of a member's house. It's super cute--2 bedrooms and a bathroom with a sweet living room. The only issue is that our bedroom doesn't really get the heat, so we get pretty cold at night. Oh, and I'm sleeping on the top bunk of a bunk bed for the first time in....who knows how long. But I love it. The people here are FANTASTIC!! They are all so friendly and willing to help us out...we're just hoping to help them realize that helping us out would be referring us to their friends. :o).
What's it like being Double Transferred into an area? Well, honestly it's not something I'd wish upon my worst enemy--at least not while training. There are so many responsibilities I feel that I have now and it's difficult to feel that I've accomplished all I was supposed to by the end of the day. But I feel more reliant on the Lord than I ever have and I'm thankful for His guidance. My first morning there I was feeling overwhelmed and I missed Gardnerville and the feel of the work there. Before doing my personal study I knelt in prayer and tearfully asked the Lord to give me comfort. Shortly thereafter I began my personal study and BAM lo and behold the Lord answered by prayers IMMEDIATELY as I read Mosiah 7:33 (But if ye will turn to the Lord with full purpose of heart, and put your trust in him, and serve him with all diligence of mind, if you do this, he will, according to his own will and pleasure, deliver you out of bondage), Mosiah 8: 18 (thus God has provided a means that man, through faith, might work mighty miracles; therefore he becometh a great benefit to his fellow beings.), and Mosiah 9:18 (And God did hear our cries and did answer our prayers; and wdid go forth in his might...). Tender mercies of the Lord.
Another tender mercy--we got a new investigator in Washoe Valley!!! A 90-year-old woman named Ruth!!! We told her it's never too late to be taught and baptized, and she agreed. Her son, Dick, said he'd like to learn as well, so hopefully he'll join in on our lesson on Friday. AND we have a solid potential investigator--Calvin. He's a 16-year-old friend of the Chatterly's boy, Tanner (CHATTERLY'S KNOW THE ERNSTS!!!), and he's totally solid. We have an appointment with him a week from today. I think this transfer I'll realize how amazing the Lord is. He knows EXACTLY what we need, the moment we need it. The SECOND I let my doubts get a hold of me He sends me comfort through scripture, my companion, a lesson, or the Spirit. I am so thankful for Him and his constant guidance and love. I could be no where without it.
Sunday night we had the opportunity to teach a future mission president, Brother Dyer, and his wife. We thought we were just going over there to get to know them and to ask him about the Young Men (he's the president). But lo and behold, he asked us to teach him the second lesson (Heavenly Father's plan of us). I was only nervous because my companion and I had yet to review it together, and he asked for a condenced version. So we opened with a prayer, and away we went. Sweet Sister Dixon was so nervous, but she did really well. I had the opportunity to testify about the atonement of Christ. I am SO thankful for that in my life. I can't get over it. Christ suffered everything for us because he loves us. Every fear and insecurity that we've ever known, every doubt, every fear, every hurt feeling or heart ache. I am thankful for the knowledge that I have that I can turn to him for everything. Literally everything. How amazing is that? I encourage each of you to utalize that by praying and asking him for all you stand in need of.

I am so thankful for this church. I'm thankful for the opportunity that I have to devote my entire self to the service of our Lord. It's so weird because I'm soon approaching the time when I only have 8 months left. By the end of this transfer I'll almost hit a year, and that is mind boggling. But I'm not going to even think about that because it'll make me sad. Thank goodness missionary work doesn't end when I have to take off my tag.

I love you all so much. Happy Missionary Awareness Day (valentine's day...forget singles awareness, it's missionary awareness). Keep doing what you're doing and yeah. Loves.

love love love,
Sister Mack

Transfer 8 Week 1

Man. So, I know, everyone is waiting with baited breath to see what happened with transfers.

Well, I got transferred. I'll be reopening an area for the Sisters in Reno and training some precious little greenie. It's actually quite terrifying because I'm going to have to step everything up so much. When I got the call I was kind of in shock. I mean, I've been one of the youngest Sisters in the mission for 9 months now, and then next transfer I'll be the 2nd oldest and yeah. It's just insane. I've been praying a lot for counsel and comfort because I was panicky for a little bit, but I know everything will work out. Reno will be awesome. I'm excited for the chance to start work there the way I feel it should go in order to be pleasing to the Lord. Don't get me wrong, I know it'll be tough, but yeah. i have hope.

This week was awesome. Gwynne is still a go for her baptism on the 12th, and I even got permission to come back for it. She's going through a really hard time right now and it's crazy to see how much Satan is trying to stop her from being baptized. But after investigating the church on and off for 18 years she's finally ready to make the commitment--and nothing is stopping her this time. I'm so thankful for her example of perseverance through trials.

I have no time left, sorry. I love you all!!!

love love love,
ssiter mack

Transfer 7 Week 6

Ooops. I am well aware that this will be the most lame email I've sent since I've been out...mostly because I don't have ANY time to do anything. i love temple p-days, but it rarely leaves time for much else. That's okay though.

Major things: transfer calls are this Saturday. There is tons of speculation, but with 4 new Sisters coming in, everything is up in the air. Uhh....OH!! I have a profile. Everyone should check it out and let me know what you think. the link is and it's awesome. Yup.

I got to meet Aunt Paula's sister at the temple today. It was awesome. And I got a hair cut. and...dang, I have no time for anything else. Like, for real. MAN!!! that's sad.

Well, everything is awesome. I love my mission, it's changing my life and will continue to do so for the rest of forever.

love you all so much.

love love love,
Sister Mack

Transfer 7 Week 5

Wow. Next week is the last week of the transfer. Time flies so fast when you're a missionary, it's redonkulous.

So this week was fun. Tuesday we set Chantal with a baptismal date. We're crossing our fingers and not telling anyone because it was a leap of faith to do so. But I couldn't get it out of my mind that we needed to set her with a date for March. So, if everyone does their part and works their hardest, the Lord will bless all parties involved and Chantal will have her testimony and she will be baptized. It was super exciting, though, because really, I was trying to justify not asking her about a baptismal date, but the Spirit would have nothing to do with that and I had nothing left to do except open my mouth and set her with a date. It was a good experience for me. I've been learning a lot lately to really listen to what the Spirit is telling me, and to act upon it. After all, that's my calling. That's what I'm meant to do. I'm here to invite others to come unto Christ by helping them receive the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. And that requires opening my mouth. It rocks, the act of opening our mouths and trusting in the promise the Lord gives us of filling it. We're all entitled to that promise. Who have y'all opened your mouths to lately about the gospel?

Wednesday we had President's interviews. Can I just tell you how much I love President Black and his darling wife? They are both so incredible. President had challenged us to read the Book of Mormon and mark everything about Christ in there, and then for interviews he asked us to read a life changing scripture. I chose Alma 7:11-12 where it talks about everything Christ suffered for us, so He would know how to "succor his people." So He would know how to come to our aid the second we ask for it. That scripture has changed my life for sure because I have felt the healing powers of the Atonement in my life and the comfort that comes with praying and reading the scriptures. I know without a doubt that Christ loves me. That He lived and died for me. And I love Him more than I ever thought imaginable. I felt the spirit so strongly as I testified to President Black about the importance and strength of my relationship with my Savior. We can all have that same relationship. Christ is there, waiting for us. And I'm so thankful. I'm so thankful for the Book of Mormon and for the impact it's made in my life. It truly is a life-changing book, one full of hope and mercy. It's a beautiful thing. God loves His children, so he has provided convincing evidence to confirm the truth of everything I've said, in this email and in all the other emails. It is the Book of Mormon. I encourage everyone to really read it and find out for themselves if it's true. Everyone. Mormon, non-Mormon, atheist, agnostic, Jew, etc etc. It was written for EVERYONE.

Wednesday night we had the awesome privledge of being able to teach a couple of lessons with Sister Black. We visited with Gwynne (bap date of Feb 12) and taught a cute lesson with Mr. Egg and getting him into heaven using fire and rubbing alcohol, and then we went to Nichole's house. Holy night the spirit was so amazing at Nichole's house as each of us testified of the power that comes with prayer and reading scriptures. Nichole has been doubting herself as a mother and I bore testimony about how much the love of my parents has helped me in my life. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that they love me unconditionally, no matter what I do or say. The love of my parents means the world to me. I love them both so much and admire the examples they have been to me in my life. They were and are my light in the darkness at times. I only hope to be half the people they are when I'm a parent.

The rest of the week progress nicely. Sunday was hilarious--we went to Walker Branch. A Branch is a mini-ward because there aren't too many people that are there. I learned that Walker, CA has a population of 500. Wellington has a population of 400. And that's hilarious to me. That's our area. I thought Gardnerville was small...ha! But again, it was so much fun there. I love the people. I'm 99% sure that this one older man is trying to set me up with his grandson...bless him. He was flattering me and saying very nice things. He couldn't believe I wasn't married or that I didn't have a boyfriend!! Silly him, I'm a missionary and can't have either. It was quite funny, I laughed a lot.

Yikes, almost outta time--but Sunday night we taught the Williams. I am SO thankful and humbled for the knowledge that i have that we are called to specific areas for specific reasons. Scott Williams I feel is one of those reasons. He wouldn't ever come sit in with the missionaries during lessons for his girls before, he wouldn't even be very kind. He felt forced into the gospel his whole life and so after he was married in the temple, he "quit" the gospel. But last night and previous nights I've been able to get him to come and sit in with us while we've talked. He's called on folks to pray, and last night we made the biggest step by getting him to stay for the whole first discussion with his daughters. I don't know what I said or how I did it, but he stayed. And he was very engaged as I spoke about the Joseph Smith story and my own "conversion" to the gospel. I am so thankful that HEavenly Father is blessing me with a knowledge of how to reach His other children.

Anyway, now that I've written a 10-page essay on my week, I'mma gunna go write my weekly President's letter. i love you all so much--you mean the world to me.

Love love love,
Hermana Sister Seur Mack.

Transfer 7 Week 4

Holy holy I have NO time hardly to write. Funny how that happens....

This past week was INCREDIBLE!!!! We didn't necessarily have anyone jump into the baptismal font, nor did we have anyone fall from the sky who wants to be taught. But I finally feel solid. Like, finally, FINALLY I feel confident in my Heavenly Father and in the calling he's entrusted me to. I have doubted myself a lot recently and wondered if I ever say the right things or whatever, BUT I HAVE CONFIDENCE IN MY HEAVENLY FATHER, and that's all that matters. LIfe is so fabulous. I've had many a good prayers with Him recently and have received answers through my scripture study. I am thankful that my Zone Leaders challenged us to get a prayer journal to record questions and answers. I know without a shadow of a doubt that the Lord answers prayers.

I am SO pleased with everything in my life. The work is amazing. It's really hard because this week I feel like some investigators of ours are throwing everything at us at we've told them everything we can. Well, one of them. Jessica Harrison. I have never loved someone so much and been so frustrated with them at the same exact time. She opened up to me a lot this week and told me that I am one of two people she really, fully trusts. I don't know how I got there, but i was really humbled by the knowledge that if we're doing our Father's will, He will bless us and those around us. I've been working on being humble, meek, submissive, patient, and I think in working on all those qualities the light of Christ is more apparent in my countenance. Well, at least I'm assuming so. I see myself every day in the mirror, and typically in the mornings it's not a pretty sight hahaha...oh man. But this work is incredible, for real. I am so thankful to be one of the 50,000+ missionaries world wide. I know I'm never alone in my struggles.

Anyway, I know this is super short this time, but sometimes that's all there is to give!!! I"m outta time. I love you all so much and miss you--but not enough to distract me from my purpose here :o). Keep it real.

sister MACK

Transfer 7 Week 3

Holla week 3 already!!! Can I just tell you how much I love what I'm doing? It is honestly the BEST thing that could have every happened to me, serving this mission. Legit. It means so much to me to be able to help people recognize how amazing they are and can be--because we are GOD'S CHILDREN!!!! How awesome is that? It hit me yesterday pretty hard how nothing else matters. looks, money, cars, whatever--none of that will ever matter because we are Children of a loving Heavenly Father. THANK GOODNESS!!!

This week was pretty awesome--went down to Walker Branch and chatted with some folks. It was pretty much a mud pit, and on the way up to someone's house I lost a shoe. No biggie, it just got stuck in the mud. It was more fun than anything. We met some amazing people there, and taught Mike a New Member Lesson. Irene, the duaghter that lives there, asked me again to marry her son. I laughed really hard, and then she proceded to tell me that I was too good for him and that she only is asking me to marry him because she likes me. I've been asked by 2 sets of parents now to marry their sons. There must be some love in the air up here...HA!

Oh, really random--I got a wicked bad charlie horse last night. Still feel the after effects. Lame sauce.

WE HAD SOME INCREDIBLE LESSONS THIS WEEK!!!! Holy holy. I absolutely LOVE when the Lord testifies through you. Sometimes I forget that I have the authority and right to receive inspiration for an investigator as long as I am worthy. Friday my comp and I had a really sacred experience with one of our less-actives--a time where I was able to make a promise that I KNOW didn't come from me. It terrified me afterwords because I was like, 'holy night how on EARTH could I have promised that?!"--and then you realize that I didn't make that promise--God did through me. It was awesome. We had a variety of those experiences where i have felt inspiration--I think I'm learning to understand inspiration for what it is and when it comes. It's super cool for reals. I'm finally getting the hang of not only listening, but understanding and applying. That's huge.

Sunday we had 6 investigators at church (BOMB.COM FOR SURE) and an incredible lesson with Jake, a 15-year-old boy and Macy, his 8-year-old sister. It was incredibly awesome. His mom has been inactive since she was 11, but she is totally supportive of her children. We can't count Macy as an investigator because she's 8, but it's still cool to see her and teach her. If my companion and I work our hardest, we could have 4 baptisms by the end of February. Of course, I still recognize the Lord's timing in all things, and that's essential to being successful. But MAN I'm just super excited about everything. Being able to witness how much the Gospel has changed Nichole Harrison and her family. HOLY MOLY I'm just beyond stoked--you have no idea. This gospel is true. Everything about it. There isn't a single thing that is missing or out of place. And I KNOW that more than I know my name. It's incredible. If folks just give it a chance, it'll for sure change your life. I know because it's changed mine.

Anyway, I love y'all more than life. OH AND I GOT THE VIDEO THINGIE!! Flip--MAN it was so awesome. I laughed so hard. Uh, Ryan Greenburg, you are a spreader of falsehood--I got no such "writing" from you on the 26 day of December or thereafter. Repent of your lying ways ;o)

you are all the best. EVER.

love love love,
Sister Mack

Transfer 7 Week 2

What is the best thing a missionary could get on a new day in a new year?

A BAPTISM!!! YAY!!! That's right, Mike Faley of Walker Branch was baptized on New Years Day. It was super awesome--we got 6 inches of snow that day too!! And Mike is just super chill and so awesome. It was a very spiritual service, and hilarious too because the font didn't hardly fill past Elder Williams' (who baptized him) knees, and Mike had to tuck is braids (that were quite a bit past his collar bones) into his jumpsuit. Sooo Elder Williams and Mike decided that he would literally dunk Mike and help him back up. So it was a bit splashy, the water was freezing, but it was spiritual none-the-less. And we cleaned the church in the morning, played games throughout the day (I was SPANKED in Life and Monopoly BIG TIME), and spent the evening with the Miller family. They are in my top 3 fave families in Gardnerville. They are so willing to give. They also drove us out to Walker Branch--well, specifically TRE in Nevada, but it was still super bomb and nice of them.

So our journey to Walker Branch on Friday. It was awesome. We met the Depuis and taught Mike a lesson. When we got out of the car we were greeted by 10 junk yard cars, a big ol' bulldozer type thing that was digging a huge hole in the ground, 4 crazy dogs, and Larry Depuis. Inside we got to meet Irene (Larry's daughter), Joe (Irene's son), Walt (Larry's son), Mike ( relation, just lives up the hill on Larry's property), and 8 cats (legit...8. And it wasn't a big place either). To keep myself from dying from my allergies, I kept my hands soley to themselves. I had to blow in the cats faces as they tried to make me pet them, but I think they liked it, so two were swarming my personal bubble. Sister Kartchner saved me and ended up wearing a sweater of cat fur. So when we left and I gave Irene a hug, Sis K tried to and Irene looked at her like she was crazy with all the cat hair on her. She was like, "I aint huggin you, you're wearing a cat!" So we left after teaching Mike and got bombarded by the cute dogs again, and this one, Duke, would bite my arm to get me to pet him. So I would, until he scampered off, picking something off the ground and waving it in the air, then dropping it again. Oh, no big deal, but the object dangling from his mouth was a DEAD SNAKE. So gross, his mouth had been all over my arm, chomping on it for a bite. No skin was broken, he was merely trying to get my attention. But I knew I was going to L-O-V-E Walker branch.

The rest of the week we did stuff...had a really good lesson with Edith, a less-active, where we told her what she wanted wasn't going to happen if she didn't start attending church. Her greatest desire is to be with her Tom for eternity. But blessings are always conditioned upon our obedience. We can't expect to be the world's greatest football player (the blessing) if we don't practice (the obedience). So we must go to church. One hour in the beginning maybe, but build upon it until you go every week for all 3 hours. Really, what is 3 hours in a time span of a week? Nothing at all!! Church is a blessing. Really, it is. And I'm thankful for it.

We also got to meet with Lisa Welch, a mom of a convert who served his mission and jazz who wants to join the church but has to wait until her folks die or something because they're strict Catholics and would be appauled. But she was talking about her church service and how the Father quoted scripture that wasn't in the bible. She said that he said that some books were taken out of the bible because they portrayed Christ in a light that Christians wouldn't approve of or something. She told us how he told them a story of how Jesus was playing and a little boy came up to play with him and Christ said, "be gone!" and the child dropped down and died. And I said, "well, that doesn't make sense, because of the commandment 'thou shalt not kill.' If Christ killed that child, he would no longer be perfect, thereby annulling the Atonement. He had to be perfect in order for it to work. And the other books depicting him in a different light is implying that Christ wasn't perfect. There is only one light that is shown on him, and that is the perfect light. If he wasn't perfect, we'd have no hope." That got her thinking. I also gave her an EXTRA LARGE copy of the Book of Mormon that she needed because she couldn't read the smaller print. She said she was excited to ask her son questions again about what she's read. She's already read through it twice. She's way cool.

And after MONTHS of trying to follow up with this man we tracted into, we FINALLY got in the door and taught a lesson!! It is in our old area, so we had to introduce the Elders to them to make the transition. We went ~4:00, our scheduled time, and Lynette (the mom) wasn't so keen on us being there--a total difference from last time we saw her. We told her we'd be back when Robert was home, and left. We went back ~7:00, and Robert was in the shower, but this time Lynette let us in the house. We made more small talk, and I asked her if she'd read any of the Book of Mormon, or if she was interested in learning more of what we had to teach. She was still kinda wishy washy, but we had established a relationship. So I hugged her and told her we'd be back after the Elders arrived. ~7:45 we knocked again, Robert answered, said he was sick, but invited us in anyway. We sat down with Lynette and Tristan (their son), and we were able to teach them part of the first lesson together. It was weird, teaching with 4 missionaries, because we all have different teaching styles and stuff, but as long as we have the spirit guiding us, we're golden. We were takling about knowing it in your heart if what we're teaching is true, and she said, (pointing to me), "I can tell with you. You smile, you're friendly, you talk to me and listen and you're yourself. I can tell you love what you're doing because I can tell you love me. You even gave me a hug and you don't even know me. So I can tell what you're doing it right and true." And I was like, dumbfounded almost. I didn't realize that a simple hug and opening myself to others could really show what this gospel is all about. So I'm better at this than I had originally thought.

Wow this email is long, but I ahve one more story about Walker Branch on Sunday. Literally, the most spiritual Sacrament meeting I've ever attended. The spirit was so strong with the 20 people in the room. Even when ol' Larry stood up and talked about kissing Mike's grandma (and mike's gma is not his wife), and then some of the other comments. The people are so kind and genuine. AH I'm in love with them so much already. I bore my testimony about my love for them and how I know God loves them because I do and He allows me a portion of the love He feels for them.

I love this work more than my own life--because when one looses their life for the work, they find it again (that's in Doctrine and Covenants...somewhere).

out of time!! LOVE YOU ALL!!!!

SIster Mack

Transfer 7 Week 1

HAPPY BELATED CHRISTMAS!!!! What a wonderful time of the year. Sorry I didn't get to write a big email last week--my comp and I had NO TIME with running around on the last p-day of the transfer/p-day before Christmas!!! It was wonderful, though. Well, at least I'm pretty sure it was wonderful because I honestly don't really remember what happened this past week!! We did lots of service, that's for sure, and we had EVERY SINGLE APPOINTMENT we had cancel on us. But that's okay, because we got to do service instead.

Tuesday, District Meeting, was awesome. I gave the Elders the stockings Mom sent and they were all super excited about it. They even took a picture (I'll send it home) posing with their stockings. It DIDNT snow, but 2 Fridays ago it did and Sis K and I shoveled the church parking lot before 1st ward's Christmas party. It was dreadful though because the snow wouldn't stop falling down!! LAME SAUCE!! And then two brethern from the 1st ward showed up and unveiled the SNOW BLOWER. So they redid everything we had been doing the past hour. Our egos were only injured a little. But just imagine...shoveling snow with a skirt and a bum ankle. It was awesome.

Wednesday...I don't remember. Thursday I ruined Christmas for a 13-year-old boy (really, he needed to know) by telling him Santa didn't exist in a round-about way. I felt SO BAD...the poor kid didn't know what to think and just was laughing hysterically...but I think it was border-line hysteria. But I was able to share a spiritual thought that night with the Millers about Christmas, and it really hit me how important this season is. The birth of Christ--could you just imagine? We were all rejoicing in the Heavens when he was born because we knew that through him we would be saved. And he wasn't forced into it. He had his agency just like the rest of us. But he rose above all temptation and pains and sufferings because he loves us. He loves us so much. It's hard to imagine that I took the gospel forgranted for a period in my life because now I recognize that it is only through the gospel that I am who I am. My mission means the world to me, as does this gospel. How fortunate are we to have a knowledge of the love Christ and our FAther have for us? Especially this time of year!!

Christmas Eve was fun--we went with the Elders to a member's home and played games and ate food. We then went to the Turley's with EIGHT GIRLS and celebrated Christmas Eve. They gave us a gift--a CD and some lindt chocolates. Mine were hazlenut, which I am unfortuantely allergic to, so I had to give them away. But in the long run that was much better because I have received enough sweets to last a LIFETIME.

CHRISTMAS was amazing. We played Santa first to our RC, Laurie, and gave her a scrapbook I made, a picture Sis K drew, and a quilt my mom made for her. She was in shock when I pulled out the quilt and said, "look what my mom made you for Christmas." She said, "no, that's not for me." and I said, 'yeah it is, Laurie. Look, it's your favorite colors!" And she took it and covered her face and started sobbing, saying, "It's so beautiful, it's so beautiful." The true meaning of Christmas came out for me right then--the feeling of Charity in giving her this gift. She wasn't expecting anything for Christmas, let along a nice quilt that was made especially with her in mind. That's what we're here for--to help others recognize their worth as a child of God. In that moment she knew because a complete stranger (my mom) acted out of kindness and made this quilt and gave it to her. Thanks mommy. We then played volleyball and ate breakfast with the Russells, went to lunch at the McLaughlins where I totally TRASHED everyone in this basketball shooting game thing like they have in arcades, and we went to dinner at Sister Riley's. Really we were very fortunate this Christmas and it was a fantastic first and last on my mission. Oh, and of course it was FABULOUS to speak to my family. I love you guys so much. Oh, and we learned about transfers--we're staying together, but switched our 3rd ward for Walker Branch in Walker, CA. The Elders get 3rd ward now. I'm really excited because it's almost like opening a new area, only not really. It's awesome.

Sunday we did a lot of meetings and transitions. We met the branch president, introduced the Elders to some folks, etc etc. And today is

This email seems a little more lame than normal. My bad. I think it's because the Holiday season.

ANYWAY I love all of you so so so much. Read your scriptures--I'm almost finished with Doctrine and Covenants, and then it's back to the BoM, and then New Testament!! I have to have them all read before the end of my mission. I totally got this. HAve a wonderful week and feed a missionary!!

love love love,
Sister Mack

Transfer 6 Week 5

It’s the most wonderful time of the year—legit!! We had the best week so far up here in Gardnerville this past week!! 2 new investigators, 2 potentials, TONS of lessons, trust built, a baptismal date (for February 12, she won’t budge any earlier), and 2 folks I was teaching in Vegas got baptized on Saturday!!! SUCH AN INCREDIBLE THING!!!! AAHHHHH!!! I got permission to call and congratulate them and one of my RC Tyler from down there got on the phone and said hi!!! I almost started crying!!!! Every day I realize how much I really truly love the folks out here on my mission. UGH I just cannot get over it. And remember the lady I talked about who had cancer? SHE IS A MIRACLE!!!! She went to the Doctor’s last Monday and they took a sample of her tumor, and then a couple hours later they checked it again and it was essentially GONE!!!! THE LORD WORKS MIRACLES BASED ON OUR FAITH!!!! She has such incredible faith. I got teary eyed when she called to tell us that she was going to be okay. AH what a relief!!!!
My ankle is doing very well.
MAN!!! I am just obsessed with this work right now. In fact, I think I will forever more be obsessed with it. We had an AMAZING ward party for 3rd ward. My comp and I sang for it along with another gentleman, and did so much service oriented stuff, and a couple of our investigators came and some less-actives and recent converts. My comp and I did some service and helped make 300 cinnamon rolls to put into the local food closet for it earlier in the day—holy holy and the recipe the lady has for them is the BEST recipe in the universe—legit. And now I know how to make them.
Today my comp and I got to go to LAKE TAHOE!!! IT was so beautiful!!! The lady who took us said, “how can people see this an not believe in God?” I SECOND THAT NOTION!! The world around us is so dad gum amazing—beautiful!! How is it possible for there NOT to be a God? As I was looking at the mountains today I had to smile—he created this place to remind us a little of what our Heavenly Home is like—but still, what we have is NOTHING compared to what we had. It makes me uber excited to meet my Heavenly Father in His kingdom and remember what it was like. Man. How lucky are we to have a Father in Heaven who loves us so much??? HOW LUCKY???
Man. I need to start writing down things again to write in these emails. I cannot remember a single thing that happened the past week. Well, I remember bits and pieces of things, but not details. I love the Harrison family. They are the most amazing family in the world. Jessica has really been pushing away the whole religion thing with us, but this past Friday we were able to have a really great conversation in which I shared my own conversion story to the Gospel. I may have been born and raised in the church, but we are all converts in one way or another. We really connected and I recommitted her to reading her Book of Mormon—not for me this time, but for HER!! She fits so well at church I just can’t stand her not accepting the gospel NOW!! But as we all know things happen in the Lord’s time, not my time. Thank goodness.
Oh yeah duh!! Wednesday we had our Northern Nevada training/ Christmas party. It was so awesome. The ladies in the Stake who were in charge of feeding us lunch went over the top. I wanted to cry because they all had tear-filled eyes as they spoke of their children being missionaries and how they wanted to make us feel good since they couldn’t be with their children. It was so sweet. The highlight, however, was when all the missionaries were sitting in a circle (it was a HUGE circle with 100 of us there) and Santa came out—aka President Black. We all laughed so hard and hooted and cheered when Santa kissed Sister Black. They are truly amazing. SO corny with the joke telling, but amazing none-the-less. I also got to go on splits with Sister Rummler. That was cool. She came here and we did good work. That’s when we got our 2 new investigators. And we talked to an old LA lady who cried because no one ever visits her and she’s got cancer again. I cried too. I think Christmas time puts something in the air that effects my eyes.
Anyway, I have to go—we have dinner in 15. LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH!!!!!

love love love,
sister mack

Transfer 6 Week 4

Hello from Gardnerville!! and holy cow we're in week 4 already?!

This past week has been amazing. We got a new investigator, had some
amazing lessons, and have witnessed miracles.

Tuesday night one of our wards we serve in had “operation lost sheep”
where we went and knocked on as many doors that we could of folks we
didn’t know—and that consisted of just over 100 families!! And you’d
never guess—we had every door opened to us. We knocked on 6, and
though all six of the them weren’t necessarily interested in coming
back, they were all happy that we stopped by and said that my comp and
I could come back later. ONE of the lady’s sons actually came to
church and activities this past week!!! We don’t want to push him, but
December is going to be a month of miracles, I just know it!!!

My ankle is doing better, but I was put on crutches for 3 weeks, which
is uber lame. But I’ve learned (slowly) how to really move on them, so
now I travel quite quickly. My comp nearly has to jog to keep up with
me at times :o)

I’m obsessed with the Harrison family. They are just the most amazing
family in the universe. Sister Harrison (a less active) has so much
faith and is coming back to church full-force. She recognizes Satan’s
influences around her and doesn’t allow it to weaken her drive towards
the temple. She’s so amazing. She pushes us too—always asking us
questions that I somehow JUST READ about in personal study that day,
or seeing insights in the scriptures I never thought about, and thanks
to her I’m really learning how to listen to the spirit. Legit. It’s so
cool to have the spirit remind you of things you know and put words in
your mouth to answer other folks’ questions. I just cannot get over
how amazing it is. This is the greatest work on earth. For real. Her
kids, however, are struggling. Her older two that we’ve been teaching
have been really resistant and I’m trying to figure out why. It’s a
puzzle to me. But sometimes people just aren’t ready to hear the
gospel. And I need to be patient and trust in the Lord.

Church is amazing. I love our Sunday School class, the gospel
principles. We have some of the most amazing conversations in there
with people who have just joined the church and it is just so
uplifting. Their testimonies are SO STRONG and they have such a desire
to learn more about our Savior. It just tickles me to be in there and
listen. Everyone should go to that class for a year, just to learn
again the fundamentals of this gospel.

I love Christmas time. Especially out here in the field. And in this
small town. EVERYONE decorates their house…like, to the extreme. It’s
so fun to drive around (when we’re lost or looking for a destination)
and see all the lights and blow-up animals and stuff. The people here
are just so friendly and genuine. One lady in Wal-Mart last Monday
chastised me for walking without my crutches or the cart (I had
escaped just for a moment…), but then she smiled and laughed and we
had a short conversation. It’s just so great.

I’m so fortunate to be here. I cannot express it enough. I’m thankful
that it took me as long as it did to recognize the prompting of the
spirit to serve a mission. Because this is the time I’m supposed to be
here. I’m where I should be.

I love you all so much and pray for you. Keep a hold of the iron rod,
go to church, and pray. And read your scriptures. And do missionary
work. :o)

Transfer 6 Week 3

Week three in the cold city. This past week has been very
entertaining. It all starts on Monday night, on our way to our lesson
with the Seamons.

We were with the Gilberts, and Sister Gilbert was trying her hardest
to get me as far away from the snow as possible (I was on the
passenger side middle in the car), but she wasn’t too successful.
Sister Gilbert: Ah, sorry Sister Mack, I can’t get any further away
from the snow without being in the middle of the street!
Me: Oh, no problem at all! I love snow!!

You see, I thought I was having the time of my life with this love
affair with snow. I’ve been praying for snow since I got up here, and
Heavenly Father has been merciful and answered my prayers. So I get
out of the car, take two steps, and then I’m on the ground, laughing
my head off because I had no idea how I had ended up there. Like,
legit. I felt my right leg slipping a bit, and then somehow I was
doing a Michael Jackson move on the ground. The worst part was that I
couldn’t even go to the lesson because their driveway was a slope and
icy, and the only way for me to have gotten up there would have been
to receive a piggy back ride from Sister Gilbert’s son. Anyway…

So I tried to stand up, to no avail. I looked at my ankle and felt a
familiar throbbing…and though, “Oh great, this is perfect!” meanwhile
I was still laughing. So Sister Gilbert’s son, Adam, had to pick me up
off the ground and help me limp into the car. I called the Mission
President’s wife laughing, and we got a good chuckle outta my
misfortune and she gave me some instructions, but we both thought it
was no big deal. Until Tuesday 3/4 of the way through the day when my
ankle hadn’t decreased in size at all. So I got permission to go to
the Doctor. So Wednesday I found out from Dr. Johnson (a member in 1st
ward) that I tore ankle ligaments or something and that I’m to get a
contour immobilizer (like a removable cast) to wear for 3 weeks at
least. I get that today. So Wednesday I got permission to call an
Elder in Fallon who had an air cast and he brought it to me at Turkey
Bowl on Thursday.

All in all, I still love snow, but I have to (unfortunately) love it
from afar. Well, for 3 more weeks :o). But I’m fine, in good spirits,
and working as much as my boot allows me to.

Hmm…we had some awesome lessons this week. Laurie is getting more
upset as we get closer to her Dr’s appointment to find out if she has
the bad cancer or good cancer. I love that woman so much. Harrisons’
are progressing. I’m gaining insight about Austin and Jessica. Sister
Harrison swears I’m here to help them. I connect well with the two of
them, but now it’s just taking that connection and using it to get
them to admit to feeling the spirit. They both know it. They are just
stubborn because I don’t think they want to comply with their mother’s
wishes. I don’t know, I think it’s because it’d be like admitting
she’s right and they need this religion. They do. They know it. But
they’re fighting it with everything inside them. But I have faith in
the Lord and his timing. Both of them will come around eventually.

Seamons family is putting up a bit of a fight. The kids are all for
it, but the parents lack the motivation. It’s hard not to get
frustrated at the lack of motivation, but I know, again, that the Lord
knows his timing, and his timing happens to be perfect. So I just
constantly have to remind myself of that.

Thanksgiving was great. We had Turkey Bowl with all the missionaries
and my zone (Carson City Zone) was the total underdog. BUT WE PULLED
THROUGH AND WON!!! I also made all of our t-shirts/jerseys. It was
awesome and hard work. But I was supposed to be off my feet, so it
gave me something to do for a hot minute. They looked good if I do say
so myself. They’re like the LVW shirts I made, only they say CCZ on
the front of last names or nick names on the back. We ate with the
Snyders, but retired early because Sis K wasn’t feeling hot and I was
ready for my ibprophen or whatever. But I can’t complain.

This work is amazing. I’m so thankful to be a part of it and to have
this trial with my leg so that I can learn something new about
obedience and how to stay diligent when you can’t really move. I’m
looking forward to the challenge. The Lord knows I can handle it, and
that’s why I get to.

I love you all so much. Every day I appreciate more and more the
support of my friends and family. I know I couldn’t do this without
the prayers that are being put into it. So thank you.

Transfer 6 Week 2

Uhh, wanna talk about miracles?


I know, right?! I told y’all the briefness of the story, and I was
getting worried last Monday when Jeremiah hadn’t called about baptism.
So I had called him and left him a message saying, “Hey Jeremiah, it’s
the Sisters. Just wondering what you’re thinking and what’s going on.
Hope you’re having a fabulous day—call us back!” And we didn’t hear
from him until ~6:45 that night, when Sister Gilbert and her son,
Adam, were driving us to a lesson with the Seamons. I answered it and
did the small talk thing and then couldn’t stand it anymore—I was
like, “So, Jeremiah, where are we at in regards to this baptism?
What’s on your mind?” And he said, “Well…I’m thinking that you should
probably schedule a baptismal interview.” And I may or may not have
gotten a little squeaky and said, “Uhh…like, a practice one with us or
the real deal?” Jeremiah: “Uh, the real thing. For as soon as
possible. Though I don’t want you guys to stress out with the baptism
being Thursday, so…” Me: “Jeremiah, we LIVE for this. If you want to
be baptized on Thursday, you will be baptized on Thursday. We’re
professionals at setting up baptisms.” Jeremiah: “Okay, set up the
interview for tomorrow night.” And then we closed the conversation.
Sister Kartchner and I were SCREAMING and the Gilberts were laughing
and rolled all the windows down so our voices wouldn’t burst any
eardrums. Tuesday night Jeremiah met with our District Leader, Elder
Williams, and passed the interview with flying colors. Mind you,
Jeremiah and E. Williams decided to play a little prank on us. I had
my coat and boots in my arms (I was playing basketball with some
little kids during the interview) and we walked in the room and Elder
Williams was all serious and jazz and was like, “I’m so sorry Sisters,
but….Jeremiah passed.” I threw everything in my arms at him and
stormed out to the hall to chastise (not really) Jeremiah for coming
up with this NOT FUNNY joke. Sister Kartchner was about to punch Elder
Williams. It was funny…later. The baptism went BEAUTIFUL!!! Sister
Kartchner and I called every single active member in 1st ward to
invite them, and for a 36 hour notice, we had a good amount of people
show up. We even had 2 other Sisters who had taught Jeremiah at the
baptism. So 4 of the 7 Sisters that taught him were there. It was so
awesome. I don’t feel like it’s real, though. I feel like we’ll meet
with him next week and try to commit him to baptism again.

The Lord is blessing us, for realz. We have a potential new
investigator and a new investigator that we got from tracting. We
decided as a companionship that we need to actually be serious about
the goals we set. We were setting a goal for 1 new investigator a
week, but we weren’t doing anything about it. I called us out on that
and so we decided that we were going to actually try to obtain that
goal. 2 weeks in a row we got our goal of 1 new investigator, and then
we aimed for 2 last week. Miracles happen when you put your faith in
the Lord, and we got those 2 new investigators. Now we need to
transmit our faith to our investigators who will attend sacrament. We
have 11 that should be attending, but only 6 that do (on average). So
our next step: getting all 11 of those souls at Sacrament. It’s
totally possible. So we’re going to do it.

The Lord also gives us reminders. Sometimes I don’t realize how much I
love these people I’m serving. But last Wednesday one of the Recent
Converts sat us down with her daughter and told us that she has
bladder cancer. As she spoke with medical terms I couldn’t stop
crying—this amazing woman who has already over come cancer, abuse,
divorce, and other medical issues and found solace in the gospel of
Jesus Christ is being faced with another huge challenge. She is so
amazing. And it hurt me to see her hurting. We won’t know how serious
it will be until the 6th of December, but I’m praying hard for her. I
didn’t realize how much I have grown to love her over these past
7-8ish weeks I’ve been here. And I’m learning to embrace the Lord’s
will. He gave her this challenge because he knows she can handle it.
That should give us so much strength. And then when we can’t handle
it, he will fight out battles (Doctrine and Covenants 98:37). And
through his atonement, we will be made free (Doctrine and Covenants
98:8). He knows the way because he IS the way (Jeffrey R. Holland). We
just have to follow him. Give our will to him. We can do that.

The Lord also blesses us with goodly parents, just like Nephi. I’ve
been reminded over and over this week how amazing my parents are. Mom
and Dad, you two are the most legit individuals in the world. I am
soooo blessed to have you in my life, to have been raised and taught
by you, to have been able to learn from y’alls life experiences to
make me a better person. We are told in the scriptures that our
parents teach us—the Stripling Warriors did not doubt because their
mothers knew it (alma 56). And we should follow the example of Nephi
in 1Nephi 11:5—“ And I said, Yeah, thou knowest that I believe all the
words of my father.” I know that you guys are here to teach me correct
principals. I know it. You are two incredible people, and I thank you.
I will never be able to repay you…except, perhaps, by giving you
grandkids someday :o).

This work is awesome. We got 4 inches of snow yesterday and I built my
first snow man EVER!!! I shoveled snow at the church building and
found it delightful. This work is just BOMB.

I love you all very much and hope you all have a happy and safe Thanksgiving :o)

love love love,
sister mack

Transfer 6 Week 1

TRANSFER 6 SAY WHAT—what?! Man. By the end of this transfer I’ll have
hit 9 months!! THAT’S HALF OF MY MISSION!!! Holy smokes. I can’t even
begin to imagine it. This week I only have 11 months left. Where has
the time gone?! I have much work yet to do.

This week has been entertaining. Last Monday, after emailing we went
to a lesson with a less-active lady whose kids we are teaching (Sister
Harrison). She wanted us to meet with her prior to her kids getting
home and we’re glad we did!! She proceeded to tell us that the lesson
we gave on Friday was meant for HER!!! Which was hilarious. She said
that the minute we walked in she knew that what we would be teaching
was for her. We were just going to teach a lesson about the importance
of reading the scriptures, but it turned out to be how to find answers
in the scriptures and how to actually study them and jazz. She said
that in her 36 years of living (she’s been inactive for 18 I think)
she’s never known how to find answers in the scriptures. At all. I
knew that I was being fed my words to say, but I thought it was for
her (step)daughter, Jessica. So I was focusing on her big time!! So
crazy how the Lord works, and how imperfect we are as His servants,
but how he still manages to use us in our imperfections to teach His
other children. LOVE this work so much. It was such a spiritual lesson
with Nichole (Harrison) and again, I felt the Lord working through me
as I gave her scriptures to read. Personal study is amazing. I am so
thankful for that hour I have every morning to study the word of God.
Because EVERY TIME I’m in a lesson, something will come up. I am SO
thankful for Heavenly Father and the inspiration He’s freely given me
through the Holy Ghost.

Tuesday for a Zone Meeting we hiked up “C-Hill.” Little did I know
that really it should really be called “C-Mount Everest.” I thought I
was going to die on several occasions 1) Because I ran out of water 2)
because I didn’t have an inhaler 3) because that blasted wind and 4)
because we were hiking up a MOUNTAIN after biking 10 miles the
previous day. But the sight we saw once we got up there was worth all
the burning muscles and jazz. Worth it completely. We saw a view of
all the people who are God’s children, who He loves infinitely. They
ALL need the gospel so badly, but they don’t even know it. They don’t
know what it’s like yet to really breathe, because they don’t know
about the plan of Salvation and happiness that God has laid out for
us. It’s so incredible. Who wouldn’t want to serve a mission and share
this message? It’s our duty as members to do so. One of the blessings
that comes with being from a tribe of Israel is sharing the gospel.
Some people feel that it’s uncomfortable, or stressful, but it is not.
Allow me to speak with a degree of boldness when I say that everyone
must open their mouth. We must put our faith in God that He will help
us when we do so. It is a Priesthood responsibility to serve a mission
as President Monson said. Do it. Put your faith in God. Jump off the
swing and let Him catch you—because he’s there waiting for you to

Anyway, now that I’m off that soap box, Wednesday I was in Reno on
splits with darling Sister Cloward. She is such an amazing Sister. So
SO so knowledgeable and HUMBLE!! I never once felt inadequate in her
presence by my fumbling over references in my mind. She was great. We
got a new investigator for them—only because we told him we could
teach him according to Harry Potter… and compared the gospel to
Hogwarts and Dumbledore’s Army. Don’t worry folks, I’m still a nerd
and will always be a nerd.
Thursday we hounded Jeremiah. We had a lesson and we decided to commit
him to baptism this week. Though he’s not being baptized this
Thursday, we’re thinking Thanksgiving will be the time. It may be
later at night, but we’re going to do this thing. We left the lesson
with him silent. I felt like Nephi when Zoram was trying to run away
after discovering he wasn’t Laban—being filled with the power and
strength of the Lord, I did not allow him to change the subject from
baptism, which he attempted on many occasions. We left and he wouldn’t
speak, and wouldn’t even shake my hand for a moment. I was worried
that I pushed him too far, but Saturday he went to the temple with his
wife and Sunday he met with the bishop and said, “I don’t see why I
should put off baptism any longer.” And for Jeremiah the intellectual
minded, that is AMAZING to hear. It took him ~2 years to tell his wife
that he loved her. So when he said that I wanted to scream in joy.

Yikes, I have like no time left to write in the email, but the work is
good. I’ll be spending Thanksgiving and Christmas in Gardnerville with
Sister Kartchner. I’m excited because we’re also going to be taking a
District trip to Lake Tahoe in a couple weeks. WOOP WOOP!!!

I love this work so much. It is the most amazing thing to ever be a
part of. I am learning what is taught in Doctrine and Covenants 97:8
“Verily I say unto you, all among them who know their hearts are
honest, and are broken, and their spirits contrite, and are willing to
observe their covenants by sacrifice—yea, every sacrifice which I, the
Lord, shall command—they are accepted of me.” I know that I, along
with 50,000 other missionaries, have sacrificed a lot to be where we
are. I know my family has also sacrificed plenty. And I’m learning
that I just have to come to the Lord with all those characteristics—an
honest heart that is broken, my spirit contrite, and a willingness to
obey EVERY commandment, no matter the sacrifice, and He will accept my

I love you all very much and hope you have a FABULOUS week!!! :o)

love love love,
sister mack

ps--Uncle Gary, happy belated birthday!!! And Gramma/Gary, I found out
how Gardnerville was named adn that I'm probably related to the folks
we live with. I'll write y'all a letter about it.