Monday, April 18, 2011

June 21, 2010

So I've decided it's a lot easier to do this, time wise and such. But yeah!! My week has been awesome this week. More and more every day I learn to recognize the Lord's hand in ALL my doings. It's so crazy how EVERY PERSONAL STUDY I have I get to share something that I learned in a lesson that day. My comp and I taught a "how to share the gospel" class this past Sunday. Though most of the people were a tad on the boring side, we made it lively and upbeat. There was an article in the New Era last year that I read from--Elder Neil Andersen wrote it. He just talked about how he didn't realize he needed glasses until he was starting college and he couldn't see the board. We compared that to missionary work--how EVERYONE in our lives needs the gospel--they just don't realize it. Whether we're talking about how the gospel blesses our families, or how families can be together forever, or how a prophet leads and guides us in THESE DAYS, or anything else!! Just like Elder Andersen, they don't realize they can't see until we provide the option of glasses--of the gospel. Then it is up to THEM whether they wear them or not. It was a pretty good lesson if I do say so myself--the spirit was there and we were able to teach by it and make sure everyone felt involved.

We also went contacting for a couple hours Saturday morning. You know, street contacting. We ended up walking 4 miles in 2 hours, searching for folks to talk to, and we were only blessed to speak with 3. BUT we were seen by at least 75 others, driving by in their car. We waved at EVERYONE that went by with a smile. probably 75% of them waved back. But by the time we got home we were both EXHAUSTED and hot. The weather hasn't been too bad here, thank goodness, but it's been pretty hot. We asked some members what the highs were for this week and they said 104. We said, "oh, that's not too bad." And then we both looked at eachother and were shocked. When would we have EVER thought that 104 wasn't bad?!?!?!! Just wait 'til it gets to 117!!! It has been 112 at the hottest since we've been here, but that was 2 weeks ago or so. But anyway, we got home, had some popsicles our members gave us, and then I went to rest my body. 30 minutes later (it was our lunch break) I got up and then went to wash my face in the bathroom. My comp was in there too (we have 2 sinks) and was like, "holy cow your collar bone sticks out so much!!" I look down and my collarbone has a ping-pong sized lump on it. I was immediately disgusted. We went downstairs and asked Sister Walker what she thought--and she thought it was my bone!!!! She was touching it (it was just very tender, didn't hurt) and talking about how she thinks I may have dislocated it or broken it or something and suddenly my mind starts to go black. She tells me to sit down not a moment too soon--I would have blacked out had I been standing up any longer!!! We end up going to a, to see what was wrong. APPARENTLY my shoulder has been messed up for a loooooooong time, caused by my left hip? So he told me to stop wearing my bag on my right shoulder and alternate it, or wear a bookbag. DONT WORRY--I'm 100% fine now, and my collarbone is no longer huge and disgustingly ugly.

We just had a really good week this week. We got some referrels, we're eating dinner with some of them tomorrow, and we contacted Melvin, but he lives in our District Leader's area, so we gave him to them, and they contacted him and have a return appointment. We went walking on the freeway (due to my bad directions, we had to walk on a road BESIDE the freeway, Jerry Tarkanian way, but it is still considered the freeway for whatever reason) before a member picked us up. And on Sunday we met with Felicia. She's been investigating the church since February and we've been teaching her pretty consistently. It's been really good. Sunday before we went it, we said a prayer, like always. I prayed for us to have the opportunity to gauge Felicia's testimony and to talk about baptism. I was nervous because I always feel a bit odd being so bold about something, but we went in there with faith. She and I (felicia) are reading the BoM together and we're on Mosiah 9 (well, I'm in 7 and she's beating me, but not for long) so we started out reading and answering questions about her reading. She is SO good about reading daily. So awesome, and attends church all the time, yadda yadda. And then it kind of came to a lull after we answered questions, and the lesson was either going to end or take a turn. FELICIA told us about a coworker of hers bringing her into his office and asking her what she believed it. AND IT WAS THE PERFECT MOMENT TO SEE WHERE HER TESTIMONY WAS!!!! THE LORD PROVIDES A WAY EVERY TIME!!!! It is so cool!! And so we were able to establish through her bringing this up and questions of our own that Felicia knows God and Jesus live, that Joseph Smith was an ordinary man who was called of God to reestablish Christ's church, that the Book of Mormon is true, and that reading it can change lives for the better. She didn't even KNOW that she had that testimony!!! And then I brought up baptism. And we chatted about it for a little, until I told her I could possibly be transferred July 12. And she got really sad. And she talked to us about how she really liked us and would want us to be there. So we chatted more, and then the end of the lesson came. And she said, "So I'm thinking the 17, if not the next weekend." and me, being the incredibly bright person I am, thought she was talking about our next lesson. So I pull out my planner and I'm like, "yeah, okay great," when my comp says, "Sister, she's talking about her baptism." I was so shocked. So ladies and gentlemen of the court, Sister Jenn Mack has set her first baptism date for July 15. Granted we still have a LOT to work on, she has some things to give up, but with prayer and faith she will be baptized on July 15. And I'm stoked. Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ provide a way for all.

And we're excited about this week. We have at least 4 lessons being taught to investigators with the possibility of that being upped to 6 if some folks return our phone calls. We have been so blessed. I love my companion with all my heart and am so thankful for her and her example to me. The church is so true and I'm beyond thankful for the opportunity that I have to serve for 18 months of my life. I am so excited about the spiritual growth I've already gained and I can't wait for the continual support and guidance that Christ gives me daily.

I love you all soo soo sooooooo very much and am so incredibly thankful for the love, prayers, and support you all give me. Keep pressing forward.

Sister Mack
Ether 12:4