Monday, July 11, 2011

Transfer 11 Week 4

Holy night, guys. Can I just tell you what an AMAZING WEEK we've had???? We worked ourselves to the bone, literally collapsing in exhaustion at the end of the day, only to wake up, still tired, with a day full of lessons. We humbled ourselves before the Lord this past week, gave up some vices, and BAM we were blessed. We went from averaging 11-13 lessons a week to 18!!! We would've had 19, but one cancelled last minute. This next week we have 2 new potential people to teach and a possibility of having 20+ lessons!!!!! HARD WORK PAYS OFF!!! Speaking of work...

We were at a sweet less-active lady's house this week, reading Alma 34, and the concept of work just hit my brain. Jeffrey R Holland said that salvation was not a cheap experience for Christ. Why should it be for us?? We have to WORK for our salvation--and work hard!! We have to do the seemingly little things, which aren't little at ALL!!! One of my Zone Leader's father said that any two good people in the best of circumstances can fail by not attending church, praying, and reading their scriptures. HOW TRUE!!! Our sweet Jacqui told us on Wednesday that she was having serious doubts. I was prompted to ask her how her scripture study was going, to which she answered "uhh...." and I replied, "that's the only answer I need!" She said that she had been reading since she had the doubts, and I asked her if she reading leading up to the doubts. Again, she said no. I told her that she will have doubts as long as she doesn't do what she's supposed to. I was pretty bold as well--one of her fears is going inactive once she gets baptized. I straight up told her that if she didn't live the commandments, she would. But as long as we're doing what we're supposed to, Satan will have less power over us. He only has the power we give him, and we give it to him by not reading the Book of Mormon and not being in communication with our Father in heaven. MAN!!! What a simple thing we're supposed to follow. How much smoother our lives would be if we all took time to read out of the Book of Mormon so we can more fully have the companionship of the Holy Ghost with us!!

Jacqui is downright amazing, though. We have some hurdles with her to jump, but God puts them there not to make us trip, but to challenge our strength and faith in Him. We can leap over them. We're here to guide her and help her, along with the spirit. I'm just so in love with this work and what it does for me. I've never been more exhausted emotionally and physically at the end of every day, yet when my head hits the pillow I'm smiling, excited for what the day ahead of me has.

Today in District Meeting we focused on the Atonement and the parts that justice and mercy play in that. Justice is the fact that we must answer to every deed we do on this earth, good or bad. Mercy is the fact that Christ has already paid the price if we choose to accept it. The atonement covers all things. Nothing could shock the Lord in the degree of sins. I've had the humbling experience of meeting so many different people from different walks of lives--lives you couldn't even imagine. And it's amazing what the gospel can do to heal each one of them. Prime examples are those we've been teaching here in Reno. Each one of the people we're teaching have problems, some way more severe than others. And yet they each find comfort and peace in the Atonement. Partially because every time we sin we distance ourselves from God just a little more, weakening our spirit. Folks who don't know about the gospel may not recognize the weight of the burden, but we all carry it. What burdens are we bearing now, not realizing it? Through the Atonement, though, we can have those burdens of sin removed. It's completely possible. It's so refreshing, too. How amazing is our Savior? He's paid the price for EVERYTHING!!! That way our Heavenly Father can have justice whilst we get the mercy. We are so lucky to have a loving Father and Savior.

I also got amazing letters this week, probably my favorites ever. My mom sent me letters that my dad had written as a missionary and that my grandparents had written as missionaries in Hawaii. Being able to read their excitement though it happened 23 and 31 years ago was incredible. I am so thankful for the example of those who have gone before me. I treasure those letters just as much as I treasure the Book of Mormon.

Y'all, this church is true. I can promise you that YOU can know. For yourself. You really can. And even if you think you already know, I challenge you to know again. Gain a witness all over again. Read the Book of Mormon and pray about it with a sincere heart. That's all you have to do. Read it, and God will tell you. You may just feel peace in your heart. You may get tingles, or feel warm. You may just feel love, or comfort. But you will know. I promise you.

I love you, each and every one of you.

Love love love,
Sister Mack

some pictures!!!

1- Reno Zone at Lake Tahoe
2- Me wearing fur boots and holding Gracie, the 20 lbs cat in Virginia Highlands
3- Fourth of July Parade Leaders with...Uncle Sam?

1- Reno Zone on top of some mountain in Stead
2- Us on some random couches in the middle of nowhere!!