Thursday, March 11, 2010

Two Months in Two Minutes

So it's been a hot second since I last posted, and I have lots to say with little time (I'm tired, but realized if I didn't update now, I'd do it...well, only right before I leave for my mission, which is in 19 days!).

January was a hit. I participated in my last musical for 2 years (bat boy, not about baseball, but vampires [sorta] but not the twilight kind [sadly]) It was an interesting ride, but I got to do it with some of my best friends, so I am thankful. And I cried. A lot. I realized how much I love theatre. It was also an awesome month because I felt the scriptures come alive. Those were real people, ya know. And they believed in God. Awesome, right???
the "high five" at the cast party: (Nat, Carl, Chase, Me, Haylee)
The cast of Bat Boy
Carl (bunny) and me (monkey..) for one of the scenes

Ah, the month of love. Highlights of this month? I started having daily chats with Rachel, my little sister, and Ryan, my personal missionary prep helper, and began growing. IT SNOWED!!!! My dear little friend Holly informed me also being baptized into the church and I got excited. AND I went to the temple. The Orlando temple, to be specific. And it was wonderously, amazingly perfect and beautiful. It was incredible. And I felt like I got to join this super awesome secret club where you get AWESOME benefits. Oh, and I went to Disney World :o)

the Orlando temple
My dad walking Diesel in our neighborhood...with snow!!

Well, we're here. The month we've only been in for 11 days. And so much happened. I had the incredible opportunity to give a talk on the Holy Ghost at April's baptism. And you know what, I learned something. I learned that as long as I put forth the effort on my mission, I will be successful. I have the tools. Heavenly Father blessed me with the talents I'll need. I can do this. I've felt mainly inadequate to serve, but Heavenly Father knows my heart and my intentions, and He'll help me. I don't need to be perfect--because none of us are. I just need to do my best, because that's all Heavenly Father wants. And it's finally hit me that I'm really, really going. I tear up sometimes thinking about it, about leaving my friends who may very well leave me. But it's okay. This is something I know I'm supposed to do. And I'm going to do it to the best of my ability.

Nineteen days, kids. That's all I've got until I have the incredible blessing of serving a full-time, 18-month long mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

Let's do this, Vegas.