Sunday, October 4, 2009

Wall-e and Me

Forget correct grammar...or whatever, Wall-e and me sounds good.

So after a rousing weekend of conference, one thing is for sure:

And I'm ready to start preparing. I've decided to stop reading 3 Nephi and skip to the beginning...though how one skips to the beginning, I'll never understand. For those who don't know was 3 Nephi is, it's a book in the Book of Mormon, and it's one of my favorites because it's when Christ comes to the Americas. Cool, right????

So anyway, a couple years ago...actually, 5 years ago, my grandpa died and all the grandkids got to take a book from my grandparents' wide selection. And Justin (I believe) found my great Grandpa's Book of Mormon. I believe it's the one he took on his mission. The inside page says:
Wallace M. Hales
2555 N Sawyer
Chicago (something I can't read...L M? J M?)
October 17, 1916.
Spanish Fork, Utah

It's really cool. And old. I'll have to take pictures and jazz up this post with them. And it's filled with PINK pen notes (though my mom insists it once was red, I'd like to think that my great grandpa and I both have a good taste for pink things). So I've decided this round of reading the BoM, it's going to be with Wall-e (since my G-Gpa's name was Wallace...shortened it to Wall-e!!). Hence Wall-e and me. I'll probably document specific things I find while reading it, and I hope to feel closer to my G-Gpa as well as to my Savior.

But besides that, my goal from now until I return home from my mission is to fill a jar with "warm fuzzies" much like the ones President Monson received for his birthday from some primary kids.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Jenn: Dancer or Prancer?

Sooooo aside from the extremely exciting news that I've decided to go on a mission (I get more excited every day...and can't believe I'm going to be putting in my papers in November!!!), I am in an extremely "interesting" time in my semester.
That's right, kids. It's that time of year again. Well, sort of. The mini-show I'm in now is only two days and is a Rodgers and Hammerstein musical review entitled A Grand Night for Singing. However, as the cast now jokes, it seems that the "singing" part has been exchanged for "dancing." And we all know what that means. Jenn is dancing.

Now, the trillions of people that read this blog may think, "oh, surely Jenn isn't that bad" or other nice thoughts like that. But recently my director has called me a dancing bear. And I'm absolutely positive he wasn't referring to one of these refined bears, the girl bear who is on point. Connections were also drawn between myself and a gorilla. Not exactly what a girl wants to hear when she's supposed to be doing a "sexy" move.

Not only do I dance, but I'm an acrobat too!! I get thrown in the air. Yes, thrown. This is the same girl who needed at least a 45 minute rehearsal to get her to allow herself to be lowered to the side by three boys.

Oh, but not only am I lifted while singing, but thrown, turned, and lifted off a table whilst I do a scissor kick. Really, maybe I have been seeking the wrong branch of theatre. Musical, that's not me. I need dance.

Sign me up.

Thursday, October 1, 2009


So honestly, I feel a bit like a loser writing in a blog. I mean, nothing too interesting is going on in my life. But Julie said that I should make one and that when I go on a mission she'd post my emails on here or something. So here I am...blogging.

And you read correctly. Mission. Jenn Mack is going on an 18-month long mission. It is a recent development in my life--one that I'm quite excited for. I can't wait to put my papers in (mid-November) and hopefully be leaving for the MTC (Missionary Training Center) in mid-February. I'm personally hoping for somewhere foreign, but if I'm meant to stay in the states, that's cool too. I'm just ready to serve. And sing while doing so.

Wow...well, I don't have much else to say, really. I should become more creative and maybe have themes to my posts. Julie's really good at that.