Thursday, December 31, 2009

Sister Mack

Sister Mack,
You have officially been called to serve as a full-time missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints to the Nevada Las Vegas West Mission on March 31, 2010. Something something, you'll be speaking English, something something,
President Thomas S. Monson


Okay, so in all reality my call didn't really say that, but that's it kids. I'm going to LAS VEGAS!! It has to be the best place in the world to go. I mean, come on--it is called Sin City. Maybe I'll convert the whole city...sweet. No but really, I cannot believe that the Lord trusts me enough to send me. I cannot wait to go. I cannot wait to have my testimony in the gospel soar and hopefully convert others. I was just reading my BFF's blog and she mentions that I got my mission call, and reading it, man, I almost teared up. Granted that could have also been aided by the fact that my eyes were overly dry and the air hurt them...but wow. What an incredible opportunity that has come into my life. I cannot wait to go and see what good I can do in the world.

On a totally different note, my Christmas break has been fantastic. It's been filled with awesome friends who I hardly ever see, and won't see again for almost two years. It makes me sad because they are such incredible people with incredible spirits and I love them. But I know I'll get to come home and see them and probably blubber like a baby.

Speaking of blubbering, I know that will happen when I give my farewell talk. I'm hoping that my brother, Joey, and his wife Whitney will be able to make it out for my farewell talk. I love them both so much and think there is almost no finer couple than the two of them. And then saying goodbye to my friends...bless their sweet hearts!! Most of my nonmember friends don't really necessarily understand why I'm taking an 18-month break from my training as a singer/actress, but they show me their support in their own way, and I love them all for it.

Man, I look at this blog entry and it seems like I'm saying goodbye or something. I don't know. I think in a way this winter break has made me close some chapters in my life in order for me to open new ones.


my mission call WOOO

some of the beautiful people who came to watch me open it

some of the predictions--my brother Justin predicted right
me...nervous as heck opening my call with my brother, Joey on one phone
and my Uncle Gary/Grandma on the other


Angie Peterson said...

Yeah for you! So excited!