Monday, October 17, 2011

Transfer 13 Week 3

First things first.

JUSTIN GOT HIS MISSION CALL TO PHOENIX, AZ SPANISH SPEAKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No one could be prouder than me!!! I'm so excited for him. He reports November 9, meaning I get just under 3 weeks with him. I'm so thankful I'll get to see him, though, before he leaves. Holy smokes. I'm just so excited. Spanish!!! BUENOS DIAS, erryone!! That's just amazing. AH I'm so stoked. What a great experience missions are!!! I'm so excited for everything he's going to learn, and for the man he will become. That's legit. Man. So awesome. I'm so thankful!!! I haven't prayed for anyone harder than him on my mission, and I'm so thankful for the Lord working in his life.

Next thing--Josie was baptized!!! It was such a sweet experience. She was crying and just looked like the weight of the world was lifted. And it can be!!! I wish we would all effectively apply the Atonement of our Savior in our lives so that we could benefit from the healing powers it has. SO THANKFUL for my Savior. So thankful.

Not excited for Wednesday. You see, there's this lady that we visit who isn't active. Her house smells instantly of cat pee when you walk in (overwhelmingly so) and she's making us dinner. She also loves organic weird things, and my palat isn't that diverse. So she makes weird ginger root of carrot with a sprinkling of garlic skin stuff. Last time I feigned ill and didn't eat much, but I don't think I can fake it every time. Her desserts are good and normal, so I guess that'll be rewarding in and of itself. But she's feeding us, which is fortunate for us. Speaking of being fed...our single's ward mission leader SPOILED US ROTTEN on Saturday. He and his wife treated us to the Cheesecake factory. Legit it was one of the most delicious meals I've had on my mission. I had the dulce de leche cheesecake too and I'm pretty sure it had addictive drugs in it or something because it was just downright amazing. Holy moly. That same WML is also doing a tennis tournament for folks we're teaching/a farewell party for me on October 15. I laughed when I heard, but I'm pretty sure he won't make too big a deal over me leaving. He's such a great WML. He's working with Thaddeus.

Oh, this week it POURED!!! It was amazing. I also got to see a lady Sister Johnson and I were working with in South zone--JULIANNE STONE!!! She brought her darling baby and took us to lunch to Cafe Rio. she's so amazing. Babies are the perfect time to get someone to go back to church too, so I have high hopes for her.

So our investigators and jazz? Tempest and Chad are doing well. We need to get them to church is all, so then they can be baptized. They know it's true--they told us so this past week. Waymond is someone the missionaries have been working with for legit 5 years. He's like a yo-yo with progress, but he's working hard on developing faith and has finally started to pray for himself, little by little. He needs the church so badly, and wants it. He just has to do the necessary things to get there. The Ramseys are doing AWESOME!!! They're moving in November to a house, though. But I know their progress will still be good. They're such a great family and they read and study and write in their study journals we gave them ALL THE TIME!!! Our YSA investigators are doing well, Fiona especially. Heldder and Ashley are great--she would be baptized so quick...except she and Heldder need to a) get married or b) not live together. Bummmmmer. Oh well. They're hilarious and we always have a great time teaching them. AND we got a sweet new golden (hopefully) referral for this man who has had a lot of bad stuff happen to him lately, and he said he needs church to give him a purpose. He talked to me on the phone for a good 15 minutes and we're going to meet with him tomorrow.

LIFE IS GOOD!! I'm excited to play yoga ball (the game we invented last week). This time I'm going to brace my elbow because it's still sore from last week. Life is so good I'm so enthralled and I'm excited to work by brains out for 4 more weeks. It doesn't feel real, still. But that's okay. I guess if it felt too real I'd stop working. Or maybe I'd work harder? Idk. All I know is that I'm in this until the end.

be good, feed a missionary, talk to someone in the ward who doesn't look like they have friends.

love love love,
sister mack

1- Sister Knighton, Josie, her great granddaughters (Jopi and Audrey), and me at Josie's baptism!!!
2- Me and Sophia, the Ramsey's 5-year-old daughter after a Spanish baptism I sang at.