Monday, October 17, 2011

Transfer 13 Week 4

Glory glory halelujah!!! (week four?!?!?! HOLY NIGHT!!!)

Don't you just LOVE the Relief Society General Broadcast? Elder Uchtdorf's talk just blew me away. The forgetmenot flower story...OH MY GOSH. Y'all need to read it as soon as it comes out for us to read. In fact, here is the link to see stuff about it: read it and have your heart touched. I was SO touched when he said that we are not forgotten. Not a single one of us. God knows us each, knows where we are, and is aware of what we're doing and going through. He's amazing. He's our Eternal Father. Embrace that knowledge.

TODAY WE HIKED AT REDROCK with all the Sisters. It was awesome hanging out with old companions and being with the Sisters (all of us). One of the Sisters and I jogged up every little bit, and then jogged down. It was awesome.

Our Single's Ward is awesome. First of all, tonight's FHE is rocket-powered pinewood derby racecars race. Second, Sunday Bishop had a very serious talk with all of us about missionary work and how it can go forward. It's kinda slow in the ward, and he's determined to pick it up. So he challenged us to get to know every single one of the members and he's challenging the members to know us and help us. I'm sad it's taken so long for this to happen, BUT I'm thankful that it's happened before I have left. So now everyone in the Single's ward is super friendly. A lot of them talk during sacrament meeting, so that's not too pleasing, but we're making steps. One of the folks suggested that we bear our testimony to everyone as they walk in. I wasn't too keen on the idea because I don't feel my testimony is something that should be thrown off-hand and made into a comic event, so both Sister Knighton and I bore our testimonies in the meeting. I haven't been moved to do so in a while, but I knew I was supposed to. I got up there and testified as so why we're here--taking President Uchtdorf's 4th "forget me not"--forget not the WHY of the gospel. Why do we go to church? Why do we read, pray, invite, work in our callings,etc. WHY? Because we love our Father. Because it's through prayer that we communicate with him. Because through the scriptures we can know His will for us. Because He loves us so deeply and dearly that He has provided the sacrament for us to renew our covenants, and then the other classes in church to help strengthen us and those around us. Why am I on my mission? Because I know my Savior lives. Just imagine for 3 minutes not knowing that. How heartbreaking. Not knowing that He lives, loves us, and we can be with Him and our Father again. Heavenly Father has entrusted us as members with the Gospel because He has faith that we will share it with those around us. Man. So blessed. It was a good meeting.

We got a new investigator this week. Robert. We taught him about the book of Mormon on Tuesday and he taught us racquetball on Wednesday. I ended up running into the wall and twisting my ankle, but alas, I will survive. I didn't take after my dad or grampa Mack in my racquetball skills. We also biked on Saturday. The only bike we could find for me was a beach cruiser, and that was sweet. Riding to the church (we did service ALL DAY and contacted people at a geneology jamboree) was easy because it was downhill. But then we went further downhill to a baptism of the Elder's, and then needed to bike back uphill. Well, on my 1 speed red beach cruiser I was a little nervous and asked to ride in front of sis Knighton so if I fell behind she'd know. So what happens? I somehow miraculously transform into the Hulk and beasted that hill (of course with legging on under my skirt) and beat Sister knighton pretty bad in biking. So bad in fact that I didn't realize she wasn't behind me until I turned onto the road where the church was. 2-3 minutes go by and as I was about to circle back she comes around the corner. She was impressed with my abilities to beast the hill. So we've decided to bike on Saturdays :o)

Well, this email is pretty long. I remember when I first came out I had super duper long emails. Now I consider this long. Oh yes, and Superbowl for missionaries is this weekend--GENERAL CONFERENCE!!!! So excited. SO thrilled. I love hearing from a modern, living Prophet the things our Father wants us to hear. AREN'T WE BLESSED!!!

I love you all, behave yourselves.

love love love,
sister mack