Monday, April 18, 2011

July 26, 2010

Wooo weee!! What a week. AND I will start with some shout outs since I seem to forget those in EVERY email I send.

Justin: You are flippin' hilarious. I printed out your last email you sent me and told my comp to read it. I also now read it on an every-other-day basis. Enjoy home and hug mom and dad para mi.

Mom: Sister Walker got your quilt on Saturday. Thanks so much for doing that, you are so kind and thoughtful to do so. She loves it and even had me over so I could see it. She loves the colors. As for now I do not need stamps or money, but money is always accepted and appreciated :o)

Dad: What is the mission office mailing address for y'alls mission? I'd like to write Elder Garner a letter. You are also a huge goofball and don't have to offer my hand in marriage to any Elders. Thanks for looking out for me though.

Joey: I'm jealous. That's all there is to say to all of your pictures from England. BUT how great is my joy and sweat in Vegas. Probably greater than yours :o) haaaaaa so funny.

Whit: You are the best and my favorite Sister-in-law by far, for forever. Don't tell Jordan and Justin's wives though when they get married.

On to the meat of the email now. I have been so excited to email this week because it has been an awesome week. Every day I learn more from investigators who I have the pleasure of teaching. MAN!!! It's so great. Kenny, who I have told you about in the previous two emails, is the most bomb investigator anyone could EVER hope for. He says everything makes sense, which makes our lives a ton easier, and he's so easy to talk to and teach. And he's hilarious. When I told him that I was probably going to transfer schools when I got home after 3.5 years of college, he put on his "Dr. Kenny" hat (he's a college professor) and got real serious about my future. It took me a bit off guard, having to talk about such a serious subject that won't even be apart of my life for 15 more months. I had to put on my college student hat and use big words I haven't used in a while to support my decision. It was quite funny and exciting afterwords because I haven't been intellectual in the scholastic sense in a while. But he is so super amazing great. JULIE, RACHEL, AND RYAN GREENBURG, his baptism date is August 7 at 4:00pm at some building, the location I can't remember right now, but I WILL GET IT TO EACH OF YOU BECAUSE YOU HAVE TO BE THERE BECAUSE IT'S GOING TO BE IN PROVO, UTAH AND I WANT SISTER MACK TO BE REPRESENTED THERE!!

And Felicia. I've been emailing about Felicia since Transfer 1 week 3 or 4 or something. But I had the most amazing feeling the other day that she is why I'm here in the South Zone, South district, Sierra Vista and Southern Hills wards. I love her with all my soul. She's the most amazing and strong woman in the world. Like, for reals. And finally, FINALLY we set a SOLID date with her AND HER TWO BOYS, Sam and Tyler. August 20 and 21, confirmation date on the 22. It'll be the last weekend in this transfer, and I'm pretty sure after that my time here will be done. I'm feeling like my work here, the people I'm meant to teach, will have been touched and taught. BUT if I stay here another transfer, I know it's because we're meant to get Paul and Michelle taught (some folks we tracted into who we now talk to on a regular basis. In fact, that was the only day we tracted with me on my ukelele. funnny). But I'm so thankful. AND TYLER PRAYED FOR THE FIRST TIME WITH US!!!! It was so hilarious. I heard stories about missionaries suggesting someone to pray, and then they bow their heads immediately so the person couldn't debate. Well, we did just that. I called on Tyler to pray and immediately bowed my head. Sister Johnson and Felicia sat there, and Sister Johnson explained that I do that often, and they laughed. And then Tyler was like, "I don't know how to pray." So I told him he could use the "how to pray" paper I made him. He said he was too lazy to get it. So I got up and found it and brought it to him. This time when Felicia asked him to pray, Sister Johnson, Felicia, and myself all bowed our heads and sat there in silence for 60 seconds. Then I told Tyler he could read straight off from the paper if he wanted to. So he did. He said "Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for this day, for my family, (and he added this himself) for the sister missionaries, and for our blessings." He then stopped and was like, (all during the prayer with everyone's heads bowed and eyes closed)

Tyler: I don't know what to do next.
Me: Ask Him for things you need.
Tyler: I don't need anything.
Me: Then close it.
Tyler: What?
Me: Close.
Tyler: What??
Me: " the name of Jesus Christ..."
Tyler: Oh. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

It was hilarious, but so moving. I am so thankful for Felicia and her two boys. It's so incredible to see how much the gospel has changed their lives. Like, for real. Tyler used to be so gruff and angry and wouldn't even crack a smile. Sam was nice, but kept to himself when we came over. Now when we come over to teach Felicia, both the boys come out of their room and sit at the table and chat with us. Felicia usually kicks them out because they joke around and we teach them seperately and she says, "This is my lesson, you guys get your own!" It's funny and delightful. The boys now smile and laugh, and though they are still boys and pick on eachother, they have changed so so soo much. I am so thankful. MAN they're incredible.

I have also set my goal to finish the Book of Mormon this transfer in case I do get transferred. That way I can tell Felicia that I read the whole thing with her, she just has to finish. I realize why people get transferred--and it's because you grow to love people so much. I love the people here. They are so incredible. MAN!!!! I've already said that a dozen times, but it's so so SOOO true. So now I'm in Alma 32, but I just wanted to share a bit about some of the scriptures I've read thus far in Alma. Jacob really used to be my absolute FAVORITE book, but now that I'm really reading and studying Alma, it's going to be tough deciding which could be better.

First off, I love how Lamanites are converted, and in chapter 23 identify themselves as the Anti-Nephi-Lehies. And they bury their weapons of war, and instead of fighting the Lamanites who have come to kill them, they drop to the ground and worship God, and are slain while doing so. And THEN they go to the Nephite, who PROTECT them. Now, if we all remember, the Anti-Nephi-Lehies were just as wicked as all the other Lamanites and would kill the Nephites just for funsies. Yet the Nephites are forgiving and Christ-like, and when the Anti-Nephi-Lehies need protection from the Lamanites, the Nephites welcome them into their lands and protected them. And tens of thousands of people were slain. That teaches us something about forgiveness, doesn't it? The Nephites not only forgave the Anti-Nephi-Lehies, but offered them a home, and then died for them. And I love Alma 27: 28, at the end, "..and they never did look upon death with any degree of terror, for their hope and views of Christ and the resurrection; therefore, death was swallowed up to them by the victory of Christ over it." Christ saves us from death, and what a beautiful thing that is. We have nothing to fear if we live our lives the way Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ would want us to.

Alma 26 is really a great chapter too. Read that because it's beautiful. But I want to point out a specific verse (or 2). Vs.12: "Yea, I know that I am nothing; as to my strength I am weak; therefore I will not boast of myself, but I will boast of my God, for in his stength I can do all things; yea, behold, many mighty miracles we have wrought in this land, for which we will praise his name forever." UH AMAZING, RIGHT? We are nothing without God--He gives us the strength. And it is in HIS STRENGTH that we can do all things. AH-mazing. I don't have time to elaborate on other verses, but Alma 26:16, 22, 26 (related to missionary work=DA BOMB), 36-37. Chapter 29 is also, I apply it to myself as a missionary.

Isn't the church great? I think it is. Such hope it provides in our life. I love it. I love all of you and thank you for the support and prayers.

For the missionaries (and future missionaries) that get this email, THANK YOU for being an example to me. I find comfort in the knowledge that I am not alone in serving the Lord. Any hardships I go through, I know y'all go through as well.

I love this church, I love Heavenly Father, and I love our Savior, Jesus Christ.

Love, love LOVE,
Sister Mack