Monday, April 18, 2011

Transfer 7 Week 5

Wow. Next week is the last week of the transfer. Time flies so fast when you're a missionary, it's redonkulous.

So this week was fun. Tuesday we set Chantal with a baptismal date. We're crossing our fingers and not telling anyone because it was a leap of faith to do so. But I couldn't get it out of my mind that we needed to set her with a date for March. So, if everyone does their part and works their hardest, the Lord will bless all parties involved and Chantal will have her testimony and she will be baptized. It was super exciting, though, because really, I was trying to justify not asking her about a baptismal date, but the Spirit would have nothing to do with that and I had nothing left to do except open my mouth and set her with a date. It was a good experience for me. I've been learning a lot lately to really listen to what the Spirit is telling me, and to act upon it. After all, that's my calling. That's what I'm meant to do. I'm here to invite others to come unto Christ by helping them receive the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. And that requires opening my mouth. It rocks, the act of opening our mouths and trusting in the promise the Lord gives us of filling it. We're all entitled to that promise. Who have y'all opened your mouths to lately about the gospel?

Wednesday we had President's interviews. Can I just tell you how much I love President Black and his darling wife? They are both so incredible. President had challenged us to read the Book of Mormon and mark everything about Christ in there, and then for interviews he asked us to read a life changing scripture. I chose Alma 7:11-12 where it talks about everything Christ suffered for us, so He would know how to "succor his people." So He would know how to come to our aid the second we ask for it. That scripture has changed my life for sure because I have felt the healing powers of the Atonement in my life and the comfort that comes with praying and reading the scriptures. I know without a doubt that Christ loves me. That He lived and died for me. And I love Him more than I ever thought imaginable. I felt the spirit so strongly as I testified to President Black about the importance and strength of my relationship with my Savior. We can all have that same relationship. Christ is there, waiting for us. And I'm so thankful. I'm so thankful for the Book of Mormon and for the impact it's made in my life. It truly is a life-changing book, one full of hope and mercy. It's a beautiful thing. God loves His children, so he has provided convincing evidence to confirm the truth of everything I've said, in this email and in all the other emails. It is the Book of Mormon. I encourage everyone to really read it and find out for themselves if it's true. Everyone. Mormon, non-Mormon, atheist, agnostic, Jew, etc etc. It was written for EVERYONE.

Wednesday night we had the awesome privledge of being able to teach a couple of lessons with Sister Black. We visited with Gwynne (bap date of Feb 12) and taught a cute lesson with Mr. Egg and getting him into heaven using fire and rubbing alcohol, and then we went to Nichole's house. Holy night the spirit was so amazing at Nichole's house as each of us testified of the power that comes with prayer and reading scriptures. Nichole has been doubting herself as a mother and I bore testimony about how much the love of my parents has helped me in my life. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that they love me unconditionally, no matter what I do or say. The love of my parents means the world to me. I love them both so much and admire the examples they have been to me in my life. They were and are my light in the darkness at times. I only hope to be half the people they are when I'm a parent.

The rest of the week progress nicely. Sunday was hilarious--we went to Walker Branch. A Branch is a mini-ward because there aren't too many people that are there. I learned that Walker, CA has a population of 500. Wellington has a population of 400. And that's hilarious to me. That's our area. I thought Gardnerville was small...ha! But again, it was so much fun there. I love the people. I'm 99% sure that this one older man is trying to set me up with his grandson...bless him. He was flattering me and saying very nice things. He couldn't believe I wasn't married or that I didn't have a boyfriend!! Silly him, I'm a missionary and can't have either. It was quite funny, I laughed a lot.

Yikes, almost outta time--but Sunday night we taught the Williams. I am SO thankful and humbled for the knowledge that i have that we are called to specific areas for specific reasons. Scott Williams I feel is one of those reasons. He wouldn't ever come sit in with the missionaries during lessons for his girls before, he wouldn't even be very kind. He felt forced into the gospel his whole life and so after he was married in the temple, he "quit" the gospel. But last night and previous nights I've been able to get him to come and sit in with us while we've talked. He's called on folks to pray, and last night we made the biggest step by getting him to stay for the whole first discussion with his daughters. I don't know what I said or how I did it, but he stayed. And he was very engaged as I spoke about the Joseph Smith story and my own "conversion" to the gospel. I am so thankful that HEavenly Father is blessing me with a knowledge of how to reach His other children.

Anyway, now that I've written a 10-page essay on my week, I'mma gunna go write my weekly President's letter. i love you all so much--you mean the world to me.

Love love love,
Hermana Sister Seur Mack.