Monday, April 18, 2011

June 28, 2010

Well everyone, the church is still true in Vegas. Hard to believe...hahaha jk. Man I'm a jokester.

So updates updates updates!!! We have done a lot of walking this past week, though I'm 97% sure that it's only feels like a lot of walking because of the nasty disgusting heat. I come home from walking and have a disgusting sweat mark where my bag strap was. It was so so sooooo disgusting. Like, really. I almost had my companion take a picture of me, but then I saw it and wanted to barf because I looked so nasty. But that's okay.

I have discovered one of my new favorite things (besides the spray-on sunscreen Whit and Joey gave me). Crystal Lite packets. Wild strawberry!! Mmmmm it is so flippin beyond amazingly delicious. Like, for real. Mainly because this Vegas water tastes like something Satan created to kill missionaries who have been walking out in the heat all day. Vegas water=sinful. You drink it and you want to die. Disgusting.

And I have finally remembered to tell you something that has been bothering me ever since I came out into the field (11 weeks ago today). Poop on sidewalks. Legit. Nasty big ol' dog poo that stinks up the sidewalk. And in this heat it BAKES. And it'll be all. over. the. side.walk. My comp and I are always disgusted by it. But we walk so people can see us. Even if there aren't any other crazy people on the sidewalk walking with us in 107* heat, we wave. Last Saturday we waved at 80 cars that waved back at us (we play a game to see how many cars will wave back). Of those 80 cars, probably 50% had 2 people in them. So essentially we could have waved at 120 people. 120 people that saw us on Saturday and recognized that we were out by waving back. 120 people that could not be members. 120 people that could be curious as to why two girls were walking, jumping, tripping, and hobbling over the rocks when there was no sidewalk. And it was completely satisfactory.

What is not satisfactory is that we're leaving the Walkers' home this Saturday. We are so so so so so sad. We love them so much because they're such spiritual giants and humble people. AND Brother Walker--wait, excuse me--PRESIDENT Walker was just called to be the 2nd councelor in the Stake Presidency. He is the most incredible and uplifting man. We often joke about how much we dislike their son, Jared, for moving back. Rude. Because we love the Walkers and they LOVE US!!!

Mom and Dad, this week I'll be sending you a letter with a lady--Sister Silva--'s address. She is the most amazing woman in the world. I'm pretty sure her family doesn't have a lot of money, but since my new comp, Sister Johnson, and I have been here, she's given the two of us over $100. Gift cards and such, but she's just so incredible. And she gave us a good referral--one of our new investigators. So I want y'all to send her a thank you card or something because I KNOW it would mean so much to her.

And I want to also let y'all know that last night when we got in the car at 7:45pm it was 105* outside. Disgusting.

Oh, AND WE HAVE ANOTHER BAPTISM!!!!!! JULY 2!!!!!!!!!! This less active man has recently decided he wanted to come back to church and asked us to teach his son. and his son got really into it and wants to be baptized on July 2nd so he can be confirmed the 4th of July!!! We are so excited!!! So soon I'll have some pictures coming home with me and my sweet heavenly brother Matthew in his white outfit, preparing to enter the waters of baptism where he'll make an eternal commitment to our loving Heavenly Father.

This work is so great. Every week I recognize and feel the love of Christ and Heavenly Father. Heavenly Father knows us--he loves us, He knows our thoughts, fears, desires, weaknesses, goals, dreams, temptations--EVERYTHING!!! And He loves us STILL!! I mean, man, I know I'm hard to live with and to deal with and I can feel sorry for myself and be weak and irritating--but Heavenly Father LOVES ME ANYWAY!!! What else can we ask of anyone except to love us in spite of everything!!! And if we love, we will obey. Obedience is the first law in heaven.

We get our new mish pres TODAY. We meet him tomorrow. It's so cool to see Heavenly Father's hand in all things. President and Sister Black were called to lead this NLVW mission and I am so excited for them!!!!

Oh, and today we played volleyball for P-Day. I have NEVER served a ball so well in my whole life. It was so much fun. My team won (though in the white handbook I believe we're told not to take score...oops).

Justin, send those thingies to 4455 Allen Lane Ste 140, North Las Vegas, NV, 89031

Joey, I hope that England ROCKS--send me some pictures via the computer, or just wait 'til you get home.

I love you all so much and am thankful for this opportunity that I have to serve the Lord and show my gratitude for the awesome family I have been blessed with.

Sister Mack

Mosiah 24:14